Alternative to alloying: advanced protective coatings for low-cost alloys for solid oxide cell stack technology
The aim of the project is to develop and characterize the enhanced protective layer for commercially available ferritic steels with high chromium content, which can be used for the construction of interconnectors for Solid Oxide Cell (SOC) stacks. So far, in scientific research, R&D works and commercial solutions, mainly high-cost, specialized steel with a composition optimized for high-performance SOC operation at high temperatures (above 750°C) - Crofer® steel (German company VDM Metals) is used. The use of widely available, lower-cost steel will reduce the SOC manufacturing cost and minimize the risk associated with the limited amount of Crofer® steel on the market (one supplier), which will undoubtedly increase the market attractiveness of the SOC technology. However, the implementation of commercially available ferritic steels in SOC stacks as interconnectors is associated with a major research challenge on the part of materials, as well as chemical and process engineering. Protective coatings of both specialized and widely available steel are necessary for the proper operation of SOC stacks, due to poisoning of the cell's air electrode because of evaporation of chromium from steel at SOC operating temperatures. The role of the protective layers is to stop the diffusion of chromium from the steel surface and to limit the growth of chromium oxide scale with low electrical conductivity, which is formed on the surface of the interconnectors on the air side. The quality of the protective layer, understood through the prism of such properties as density, thermomechanical stability and electrical conductivity, affects the lifetime of the SOC stack and the rate of its degradation.
- Financial Program Name:
- Organization:
- Narodowe Centrum Nauki (NCN) (National Science Centre)
- Agreement:
- UMO-2023/49/B/ST8/03265 z dnia 2024-01-29
- Realisation period:
- 2024-01-29 - 2028-01-28
- Research team leader:
- prof. dr hab. inż. Piotr Jasiński
- Team members:
- Coordination of the project on PG prof. dr hab. inż. Piotr Jasiński
- Realised in:
- Department of Functional Materials Engineering
- External institutions
participating in project: -
- Instytut Energetyki - Instytut Badawczy (Poland)
- Project's value:
- 2 283 352.00 PLN
- Request type:
- National Research Programmes
- Domestic:
- Domestic project
- Verified by:
- Gdańsk University of Technology
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