Badania empiryczne wpływu czynników klimatycznych i materiałowych na przyrost liczby spękań niskotemperaturowych nawierzchni podatnych - Project - Bridge of Knowledge


Badania empiryczne wpływu czynników klimatycznych i materiałowych na przyrost liczby spękań niskotemperaturowych nawierzchni podatnych

I plan to finance field tests of the same road sections that were investigated in 2012-2014 as part of the research program for GDDKiA. The result of field investigation will be the increase in the number of low temperature cracks after several years of service , determined for 80 sections. acquired during fieldwork, the data will allow for implementation the following objectives of the research activity: 1. Assessing the increase in the risk of cracks low temperature surfaces as a result of aging surface and specific climatic conditions as well comparing the surface with AC bases and AC WMS in term of the risk of low temperature cracks. 2. Creating a tool for forecasting the number of cracks low-temperature surfaces in the following years operation.


Financial Program Name:
Narodowe Centrum Nauki (NCN) (National Science Centre)
DEC-2019/03/X/ST8/00338/2 z dnia 2020-03-12
Realisation period:
2020-03-07 - 2021-02-06
Project manager:
dr hab. inż. Dawid Ryś
Realised in:
Department of Transportation Engineering
Project's value:
49 500.00 PLN
Request type:
National Research Programmes
Domestic project
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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