Research internship at the University of Massachusetts Lowell to work on experimental tasks regarding functionally graded nano-composites - Project - Bridge of Knowledge


Research internship at the University of Massachusetts Lowell to work on experimental tasks regarding functionally graded nano-composites

The purpose of this research internship is to get experimental experience with polymer nanocomposites. Novel materials with specific properties are in great demand. Having experimental technologies on FG composites reinforcing with nanoparticles such as graphene platelets based on the polymer matrix can help improve the materials underhand. During my internship, for a period of 3-4 months, I will work in the laboratory of professor Amir Ameli who has worked experimentally on nanocomposites for many years. Professor Ameli is working at the department of Plastic engineering at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. His expertise is Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing, Foaming, Injection Molding, Multifunctional Polymer Nanocomposites, Bio-Based Polymers, Composites, Advanced Polymeric Foams, etc. He performed his Ph.D. and Post-doc at the University of Toronto, Canada in 2011 and 2014, respectively. He was also a professor of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at Washington State University from 2015-2019. In the time of the internship, I will be able to prepare functionally graded (FG in layered forms) nanocomposites having a variable filer loading. the compounding and 3D printing process will be used to prepare functionally graded nanocomposite designs informed by the analytical models to maximize the normalized performance (e.g., stiffness over density, etc.). The material system generally can include carbon fiber, carbon nanotube, or carbon nanofiber (or the like) as a reinforcer and nanofiller. As a matter of fact, instead of uniform and classic nanocomposites, FG compositions can be used. For this, the current FG compositions such as Halpin-Tsai or Mori-Tanaka can be modified and a new composition rule can be derived and compared theoretically with the previous mixture rules. If the new one is efficient; then, based on the new mixture rule, the nanocomposite can be produced and do mechanical tests. Having higher mechanical properties compared to the current models is the aim. Then, the results of theoretical and analytical models can be compared to those of experiments leading to new results and at least one high-quality publication originated from the internship.


Project's acronym:
Research internship/Sabbatical
Financial Program Name:
Narodowe Centrum Nauki (NCN) (National Science Centre)
Realisation period:
unknown - unknown
Project manager:
dr inż. Mohammad Malikan
Realised in:
Department of Mechanics of Materials and Structures
Request type:
National Research Programmes
Domestic project
Verified by:
No verification

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