The impact of biogeochemical processes in anoxic sediments on the marine acidbase system on the example of the Baltic Sea - Project - Bridge of Knowledge


The impact of biogeochemical processes in anoxic sediments on the marine acidbase system on the example of the Baltic Sea


Project's acronym:
The impact of biogeochemical processes in anoxic sediments on the marine acidbase system on the example of the Baltic Sea
Financial Program Name:
Narodowe Centrum Nauki (NCN) (National Science Centre)
UMO-2022/45/B/ST10/00395 z dnia 2023-01-09
Realisation period:
2023-01-09 - 2026-01-08
Research team leader:
Katarzyna Łukawska-Matuszewska
Realised in:
Uniwersytet Gdański
External institutions
participating in project:
  • Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie (Poland)
Project's value:
1 199 882.00 PLN
Request type:
National Research Programmes
Domestic project
Verified by:
No verification

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