Sustainable and green electronics for circular economy - Project - Bridge of Knowledge


Sustainable and green electronics for circular economy

The Sustronics (Horizon Europe) main goal is to support renewal of European electronics industry towards circulareconomy, eco-design, bio-based materials, and material- and energy-efficient manufacturingprocesses. Thereby, Sustronics will re-design electronics products into circular, compostable andreusable products, and demonstrate that there are business opportunities in sustainable electronics.Quantification of environmental impact, definition of business models, involvement of externalstakeholders, and means to guarantee compatibility with policies and standards will guide the projectimplementation. The pilots will focus on healthcare, diagnostics, and industrial sectors, includingtopics such as medical and personal health devices, single-use and wearable diagnostics, sustainablelighting solutions and embedded electronics for automotive. Politechnika Gdanska will be responsiblefor developing, in collaboration with international partners, advanced electronic systems. Theexpected outcomes of the project include: articles in scientific journals with a high IF index, know-howthat will potentially be commercialized in the form of selling licenses to companies participating in theproject, and new international collaboration.


Project's acronym:
Financial Program Name:
Granty na granty
Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki
Umowa nr 5595/ GGPJ6-22/HEUROPA/0 z dnia 2023-12-18
Realisation period:
unknown - unknown
Project manager:
dr hab. inż. Łukasz Kulas
Realised in:
Department of Microwave and Antenna Engineering
Request type:
National Research Programmes
Domestic project
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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