Future Skills and Education in a Computerized World - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Future Skills and Education in a Computerized World


As computerization of Western economies has advanced, the supply of the demand for routine cognitive tasks and routine manual tasks has fallen. Computerization has increased labour input of nonroutine cognitive tasks which has favourized high educated workers. Similarly, there is clear evidence of an increase in demand for high skilled workforce which originates from poor machine performance of nonroutine manual tasks. Given the latest technological development, such skills as critical thinking, complex cognitive skills and novel ideation are those areas where people still outperform computers today. In Poland, a decline in demand for tertiary education has been observed during the recent years notwithstanding good returns to investment in education that are the highest among the OECD countries. The question is, what should the role of tertiary education be in the automatized world? How to develop or educate those skills in which people excel computers given mass education? The purpose of this article is to highlight demand for future skills in regard to actual technological changes and to present chosen macroeconomic data that characterizes the situation of tertiary education with a focus on Poland. Finally, a suggestion for further research is presented.

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artykuły w czasopismach recenzowanych i innych wydawnictwach ciągłych
Published in:
Przedsiębiorczość i Zarządzanie no. XVIII, pages 33 - 42,
ISSN: 1733-2486
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Kutrzeba F.: Future Skills and Education in a Computerized World// Przedsiębiorczość i Zarządzanie. -Vol. XVIII., nr. 10/II (2017), s.33-42
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