Mechanical analysis of eccentric defected bilayer graphene sheets considering the van der Waals force - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Mechanical analysis of eccentric defected bilayer graphene sheets considering the van der Waals force


In this article, we have tried to simulate nonlinear bending analysis of a double-layered graphene sheet which contains a geometrical imperfection based on an eccentric hole. The first-order shear deformation theory is considered to obtain the governing equations. Also, the nonlinear von Kármán strain field has been assumed in order to obtain large deformations. Whereas the double-layered graphene sheet has been considered, the effect of van der Waals forces has been taken into account in the analysis. In order to implement the nanoscale impact, the nonlocal elasticity theory has been employed. The solution methodology, which is here based on the semi-analytical polynomial method solving technique presented previously by the authors, has been applied and again its efficiency has been demonstrated due to its highly accurate results. Due to the fact that this research has been done for the first time and there is no validation available, the results of the local single layer sheet are compared with ABAQUS software. The effects of some other parameters on the results have been studied such as the value of eccentricity, van der Waals interaction, and nonlocal parameter.


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Published in:
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part N-Journal of Nanomaterials Nanoengineering and Nanosystems no. 235,
ISSN: 2397-7914
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Dastjerdi S., Malikan M.: Mechanical analysis of eccentric defected bilayer graphene sheets considering the van der Waals force// Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part N-Journal of Nanomaterials Nanoengineering and Nanosystems -Vol. 235,iss. 1-2 (2021),
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.1177/2397791420926067
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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