Nitrogen pathways during sewage treatment in constructed wetlands in temporary climate - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Nitrogen pathways during sewage treatment in constructed wetlands in temporary climate


The objectives of this paper is to estimate the role and quantity of the unit process responsible for removal or/and retention of nitrogen in different types of constructed wetlands in vegetation season and outside vegetation season. To estimate the role of the plant two objects inhabited one with willow and the other with reed were selected to assessment. Among anthers it was indicated that the concentrations of contamination discharged to the both analysed facilities in outside vegetation season were higher (from 10% to 20%) in comparison with vegetation season.

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Monographic publication
rozdział, artykuł w książce - dziele zbiorowym /podręczniku w języku o zasięgu międzynarodowym
Title of issue:
Environmental engineering strony 71 - 79
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Gajewska M., Obarska-Pempkowiak H.: Nitrogen pathways during sewage treatment in constructed wetlands in temporary climate// Environmental engineering/ ed. eds: L. Pawłowski, M. Dudzińska, A, Pawłowski. London: Taylor & Francis Group, 2007, s.71-79
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Gdańsk University of Technology

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