Risk Assessment at Unsignalized Intersections Based on Human-Road-Environment-Vehicle System Applying Fuzzy Logic - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Risk Assessment at Unsignalized Intersections Based on Human-Road-Environment-Vehicle System Applying Fuzzy Logic


The constant increase in motorization level and traffic density increases risks due to dangerous situations for road participants. Therefore, assessing the accident level of road network elements has been an urgent task over the past decades. However, existing approaches mainly rely on traffic flow parameters and account for dynamic vehicle characteristics. The research aims to design a model accounting for uncertain factors (weather conditions and pedestrian wear color) that directly impact the accident rate. For this, the mathematical toolkit of fuzzy logic is used. The study presented in this paper has yielded a model for assessing accident risk at unsignalized intersections. This model, known as the Fuzzy Model, considers various factors such as human behavior, road conditions, environmental factors, and vehicle characteristics. The model proposes accounting for the factors included in the four subsystems (Human-Road-Environment-Vehicle) that determine the transport mega system. Fuzzy Logic MATLAB Toolbox was used for modeling, and the model was assembled using Simulink Environment tools. The simulation used a full-factor experiment 34 for four factors at three variation levels for each parameter. A set of accident risk factors was obtained for 81 conducted tests. Based on the modeling, a 3-level table of accident risk measurement was formed at unsignalized intersections depending on the pedestrian's clothing color, intersection equipment level (illumination), weather conditions, and vehicle speed. The study results are due to a novel accident risk system that can be used for operational measures to increase safety levels at an unsignalized intersection.


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Monographic publication
rozdział, artykuł w książce - dziele zbiorowym /podręczniku w języku o zasięgu międzynarodowym
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Bibliographic description:
Medvediev I., Muzylyov D., Ivanov V., Montewka J., Trojanowska J.: Risk Assessment at Unsignalized Intersections Based on Human-Road-Environment-Vehicle System Applying Fuzzy Logic// / : , 2024,
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.1007/978-3-031-61797-3_37
Sources of funding:
  • The research was partially supported by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, European Union's Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions under MSCA4Ukraine funding scheme (project number 1233438)
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Gdańsk University of Technology

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