The influence of compensate coils on own ship magnetic field - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


The influence of compensate coils on own ship magnetic field


A ferromagnetic object placed in the earth magnetic field causes a local disturbance in this field distribution. The field distribution disturbance is a function of many arguments like the dimensoins and shape of the object, its ferromagnetic properties ande its positon in relation to the earth magnetic field. in order to minimize the influence of this disturbance one places compensate coils on the ship. Some chosen results of magnetic field distribution measurments for the ferromagnetic object without and with compensate coils are presented in the following paper.

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Conference activity
publikacja w wydawnictwie zbiorowym recenzowanym (także w materiałach konferencyjnych)
Title of issue:
Computer Aplications in Electrical Engineering. Part 2 strony 228 - 235
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Jakubiuk K., Zimny P., Wołoszyn J., Młyński A.: The influence of compensate coils on own ship magnetic field // Computer Aplications in Electrical Engineering. Part 2/ ed. ed. by Ryszard Nawrocki : Poznan University of Technology. Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electronics. Poznań: Politechnika Poznańska, 2006, s.228-235
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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