The life cycle cost of a building from the point of view of environmental criteria of selecting the most beneficial offer in the area of competitive tendering - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


The life cycle cost of a building from the point of view of environmental criteria of selecting the most beneficial offer in the area of competitive tendering


The article analyses environmental and ecological criteria of selecting the most beneficial offer in the aspect of LCC. Construction works contracts and the potential method of defining the above criteria, among others, is pondered on (for example by the recommendation of a material, which is supposed to be used, a ban on substances that are harmful for human health as well for the environment). In the relation to the above, it is necessary to define technical parameters that have an impact on the environment, for example the level of pollution and noise emission, electricity and water consumption, or stating the minimal involvement of a processed ingredient. In addition the article presents also an account of the life cycle cost of a building from the point of view of environmental criteria constituting an element of selecting the most beneficial offer in the area of competitive tendering.


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materiały konferencyjne indeksowane w Web of Science
Title of issue:
9th Conference on Interdisciplinary Problems in Environmental Protection and Engineering (EKO-DOK) strony 1 - 8
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Bibliographic description:
Grzyl B., Miszewska-Urbańska E., Apollo M..: The life cycle cost of a building from the point of view of environmental criteria of selecting the most beneficial offer in the area of competitive tendering, W: 9th Conference on Interdisciplinary Problems in Environmental Protection and Engineering (EKO-DOK), 2017, ,.
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.1051/e3sconf/20171700028
Bibliography: test
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