What Is Troubling IT Analysts? A Survey Report from Poland on Requirements-Related Problems - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


What Is Troubling IT Analysts? A Survey Report from Poland on Requirements-Related Problems


Requirements engineering and business analysis are activities considered to be important to software project success but also difficult and challenging. This paper reports on a survey conducted in Polish IT industry, aimed at identifying most widespread problems/challenges related to requirements. The survey was targeted at people performing role of analyst in commercial IT projects. The questionnaire included 64 pre-defined problems gathered from a literature review and a workshop involving a small group of analysts. It was completed by 55 respondents, each of whom assessed the frequency of occurrence for pre-defined problems and optionally could report additional problems based on their work experience. A ranking of most frequent problems is presented in this paper. Additional analyses for more specific contexts: agile projects and smaller/larger development teams are also provided. Final sections of the paper include comparison of our results and results of reported surveys conducted in other countries, followed by a discussion.


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Copyright (2018 Springer Nature Switzerland AG)



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materiały konferencyjne indeksowane w Web of Science
Published in:
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing no. 830, pages 3 - 19,
ISSN: 2194-5357
Title of issue:
Engineering Software Systems: Research and Praxis strony 3 - 19
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Jarzębowicz A., Ślesiński W..: What Is Troubling IT Analysts? A Survey Report from Poland on Requirements-Related Problems, W: Engineering Software Systems: Research and Praxis, 2018, Springer International Publishing,.
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.1007/978-3-319-99617-2_1
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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