Search results for: BCI - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: BCI

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Search results for: BCI

  • Zespół Systemów Multimedialnych

    * technologie archiwizacji, rekonstrukcji i dostępu do nagrań archiwalnych * technologie inteligentnego monitoringu wizyjnego i akustycznego * multimedialne technologie telemedyczne * multimodalne interfejsy komputerowe

  • Zespół Systemów Multimedialnych

    * technologie archiwizacji, rekonstrukcji i dostępu do nagrań archiwalnych * technologie inteligentnego monitoringu wizyjnego i akustycznego * multimedialne technologie telemedyczne * multimodalne interfejsy komputerowe

  • Zespół Inżynierii Biomedycznej

    Inżynieria biomedyczna stanowi nową interdyscyplinarną dziedzinę wiedzy zlokalizowaną na pograniczu nauk technicznych, medycznych i biologicznych. Według opinii WHO (World Health Organization) można ją zaliczyć do głównych (obok inżynierii genetycznej) czynników decydujących o postępie współczesnej medycyny. Rosnące znaczenie kształcenia w zakresie INŻYNIERII BIOMEDYCZNEJ wynika z faktu, że specjaliści tej dyscypliny są potrzebni...

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Search results for: BCI

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Search results for: BCI

  • Transfer learning in imagined speech EEG-based BCIs


    - Biomedical Signal Processing and Control - Year 2019

    The Brain–Computer Interfaces (BCI) based on electroencephalograms (EEG) are systems which aim is to provide a communication channel to any person with a computer, initially it was proposed to aid people with disabilities, but actually wider applications have been proposed. These devices allow to send messages or to control devices using the brain signals. There are different neuro-paradigms which evoke brain signals of interest...

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  • Tensor Decomposition for Imagined Speech Discrimination in EEG



    Most of the researches in Electroencephalogram(EEG)-based Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) are focused on the use of motor imagery. As an attempt to improve the control of these interfaces, the use of language instead of movement has been recently explored, in the form of imagined speech. This work aims for the discrimination of imagined words in electroencephalogram signals. For this purpose, the analysis of multiple variables...

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    - Year 2013

    An experiment conducted to validate a possibility of use a single active electrode EEG device for detecting Steady State Visually Evoked Potentials (SSVEP) is shown. A LED stimulator was applied to stimulate patients with two different frequencies - 13 Hz and 17 Hz. First, EEG signals were recorded and pre-processed using MATLAB software. In the next step recordings were analysed and classified employing the WEKA software. As indicated...

  • Deep learning approach on surface EEG based Brain Computer Interface


    - Year 2022

    In this work we analysed the application of con-volutional neural networks in motor imagery classification for the Brain Computer Interface (BCI) purposes. To increase the accuracy of classification we proposed the solution that combines the Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) with convolutional network (ConvNet). The electroencephalography (EEG) is one of the modalities we try to use for controlling the prosthetic arm. Therefor in this...

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  • Intra-subject class-incremental deep learning approach for EEG-based imagined speech recognition


    - Biomedical Signal Processing and Control - Year 2023

    Brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) aim to decode brain signals and transform them into commands for device operation. The present study aimed to decode the brain activity during imagined speech. The BCI must identify imagined words within a given vocabulary and thus perform the requested action. A possible scenario when using this approach is the gradual addition of new words to the vocabulary using incremental learning methods....

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