Search results for: THREE-WAVE INTERAC-TION - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: THREE-WAVE INTERAC-TION

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Search results for: THREE-WAVE INTERAC-TION

  • Zespół Robotyki i Systemów Mechatroniki

    1. Robotyka stacjonarna oraz mobilna; 2. Zastosowanie metod wibracyjnych do detekcji uszkodzeń elementów maszyn i urządzeń mechatroniki; 3. Wykorzystanie energii elektrycznej gromadzonej w czasie pracy systemów mechatroniki zbudowanych z materiału piezoelektrycznego; 4. Projektowanie układów, urządzeń i systemów automatyki elektroenergetycznej.

  • Zespół Inżynierii Mikrofalowej i Antenowej

    Specjalność badawcza KIMiA wiąże się z techniką i dotyczy zakresu częstotliwości od setek megaherców do kilkudziesięciu gigaherców. Przedmiotem badań teoretycznych (analiza, synteza, symulacja i modelowanie komputerowe,) oraz eksperymentalnych są elementy (prowadnice, sprzęgacze, rozgałęzienia) oraz układy pasywne (cyrkulatory, przesuwniki fazy, obciążenia, tłumiki) i aktywne (wzmacniacze, mieszacze, powielacze, modulatory),...

  • Zespół Wysokich Napięć

    1. Urządzenia ograniczające prądy zwarciowe; 2. Symulacja zjawisk zachodzących w nieliniowych obwodach zwarciowych; 3. Dynamika łuku zwarciowego; 4. Mechanizmy degradacji izolacji polimerowej i złożonej; 5. Ochrona przeciwporażeniowa i przeciwprzepięciowa linii elektroenergetycznych wysokiego napięcia; 6. Jakość energii w systemach elektroenergetycznych.

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Search results for: THREE-WAVE INTERAC-TION

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Search results for: THREE-WAVE INTERAC-TION

  • Non-Linear Interaction of Harmonic Waves in a Quasi-Isentropic Flow of Magnetic Gas


    The diversity of wave modes in the magnetic gas gives rise to a wide variety of nonlinear phenomenaassociated with these modes. We focus on the planar fast and slow magnetosound waves in the geometryof a flow where the wave vector forms an arbitrary angleθwith the equilibrium straight magnetic field.Nonlinear distortions of a modulated signal in the magnetic gas are considered and compared to thatin unmagnetised gas. The case of...

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  • The finite difference methods of computation of X-rays propagation through a system of many lenses


    - Year 2016

    The propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system consisting of many beryllium X-ray refrac- tive lenses is considered. In order to calculate the propagation of electromagnetic in the optical sys- tem, two differential equations are considered. First equation for an electric field of a monochromatic wave and the second equation derived for complex phase of the same electric The propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system...

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  • Unusual dynamics and nonlinear thermal self-focusing of initially focused magnetoacoustic beams in a plasma

    Unusual thermal self-focusing of two-dimensional beams in plasma which axis is parallel to the equilibrium straight magnetic field is considered. The equi- librium parameters of plasma determine scenario of a beam divergence (usual or unusual) which is stronger as compared with a flow without magnetic field. Nonlinear thermal self-action of a magnetosonic beam behaves differently in the ordinary and unusual cases. Damping of wave...

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    The main objective of this paper is to show the comparison of two models of infinite ab- sorbing layer with increasing damping in numerical investigations of elastic wave prop- agation in unbounded structures. This has been achieved by the Authors by a careful in- vestigation of two different engineering structures characterised by gradually increasing geometrical and mathematical description complexities. The analysis included...

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  • Design centering of compact microwave components using response features and trust regions


    Fabrication tolerances, as well as uncertainties of other kinds, e.g., concerning material parameters or operating conditions, are detrimental to the performance of microwave circuits. Mitigating their impact requires accounting for possible parameter deviations already at the design stage. This involves optimization of appropriately defined statistical figures of merit such as yield. Alt-hough important, robust (or tolerance-aware)...

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