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Search results for: mikroturbina
Zespół Mechaniki Płynów i Maszyn Przepływowych
Research PotentialTurbiny parowe, gazowe, powietrzne, wodne; sprężarki, pompy, mechanika płynów
Zespół Systemów i Urządzeń Energetyki Cieplnej
Research Potentialintensyfikacja wymiany ciepła, nowoczesne wymienniki ciepła, wysokotemperaturowe pompy ciepła, mikrosiłownie ORC i inne
Katedra Automatyki i Energetyki
Research PotentialMikroprocesorowe urządzenia pomiarowo-rejestrujące i systemy monitorowania wykorzystujące technologie sieciowe, systemy sterowania urządzeniami i procesami technologicznymi. Systemy sterowania w obiektach energetyki odnawialnej, skupionych i rozproszonych. Modelowanie i symulacja obiektów dynamicznych, procesów oraz systemów sterowania i kontroli; projektowanie interfejsów operatorskich. Systemy elektroenergetyczne i automatyki...
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Search results for: mikroturbina
Design and investigations of the ethanol microturbine
PublicationThe paper presents the results of the design analysis and experimental investigations of the microturbine set consisting of the microturbine with partial admission and permanent magnet generator. The microturbine was designed for operation with the vapour of ethanol as a working fluid. Microturbine unit was tested for different parameters of the working fluid and varying the electrical load. The examples and the comparison between...
Performance Characteristics of a Micro-turbine, International
Publication. In the paper a design of a multi-stage micro-turbine with partial admission of all the stages is described in detail and the results of particular experimental investigations and numerical calculations are shown, followed by conclusions. The co-generative micro-power plant with the HFE7100 as a working medium was designed and built for experimental investigations. The values of the main cycle parameters were as follows:- heat...
Partial Admission Stages of High Efficiency for a Microturbine
PublicationThe paper presents the results of a design analysis of a micro-turbine for a co-generation micro-power plant working in accordance with organic Rankine cycle. The heat power of the plant is assumed equal to 20kW and the corresponding available electric output is estimated to be about 3kW. After the design analysis, the axial turbine with partial admission in all stages was built and tested experimentally. Special attention was...
Control of a vapour microturbine set in cogeneration applications
PublicationSystems with microturbines are implemented for local generation of heat and electricity. This paper presents the analysis of control concepts for a vapour microturbine set with a generator with permanent magnets, intended to work in small heat and power plants. Control system variants differed by the selection of controlled signals and set parameters. Possible ways of control were discussed and compared with experimentally determined...
Partial Admission Stages of High Efficiency for a Microturbine
PublicationThe paper presents the results of a design analysis of a microturbine for a cogeneration micro-power plant working in accordance with organic Rankine cycle. The heat power of the plant is assumed equal to 20kW and the corresponding available electric output is estimated to be about 3 kW. After the design analysis, the axial turbine with partial admission in all stages was built and tested experimentally. Special attentionwas paid...