Ph.D Ewelina Cichoń
- 2019 - present Researcher at Department of Psychology
- 2018 - present Psychology researcher and lecturer at Department of Psychology
- 2016 - 2018 Researcher at Faculty of Psychology
Research fields
- No data
total: 26
Catalog Publications
Year 2023
Factor Analysis of the Polish Version of Godspeed Questionnaire (Gqs)
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Mental health predictors of medical staff in the early stage of COVID-19 pandemic in Poland.
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Mortality in people with mental disorders in Poland: A nationwide, register-based cohort study
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Rationale and design of Mind-HF: randomized trial of the original Mindfulness-Based Heart Training for patients with heart failure
Year 2022
Association of Higher Rates of Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) Complications with Psychological and Demographic Variables: Results of a Cross-Sectional Study
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Depression among young adults – risks and protective factors in the COVID-19 pandemic
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Evaluation of Mental Health Services Delivered Before and After the Introduction of Pilot Mental Health Centres in Poland Using Monitoring Indicators.
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Predictors of teachers’ mental health – implications for practice
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Relations of Well-Being, Coping Styles, Perception of Self-Influence on the Diabetes Course and Sociodemographic Characteristics with HbA1c and BMI Among People with Advanced Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
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Social support against depression in young adults’ group during COVID-19 pandemic.
Year 2021
Acceptance of the disease and sexual functions of patients with heart failure
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Cognition and Frailty in Patients With Heart Failure: A Systematic Review of the Association Between Frailty and Cognitive Impairment
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COVID-19 pandemic fear, life satisfaction and mental health at the initial stage of the pandemic in the largest cities in Poland
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Experience-based knowledge increases confidence in discriminating our memories
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Measurement of Unwanted Thought Suppression Strategies with the Thought Control Questionnaire in the General Polish Population: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Validation
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PAID-PL—The Polish Version of the Problem Areas in Diabetes Scale: Perfect Reliability and a One-Factor Structure
Year 2020
Cut-off points for Polish-language versions of depression screening tools among patients with Type 2 diabetes
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Education biases perception of social robots
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Monetary Incentives Increase Metacognitive Confidence in Source Memory Performance in Patients With Schizophrenia
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People with diabetes need a lower cut-off than others for depression screening with PHQ-9
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Polish version of the White Bear Suppression Inventory (WBSI) by Wegner and Zanakos: factor analysis and reliability
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Validation of the Polish version of WHO-5 as a screening instrument for depression in adults with diabetes
Year 2018
Year 2017
Metacognition increases the severity of depression through trait anxiety in a nonclinical population
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Metapoznanie nasila depresję poprzez cechę lęku: badania w populacji osób zdrowych psychicznie
Year 2015
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