Jakub Miler - Biographical note - Bridge of Knowledge



Academic career:

  • 2000: Master of Science - Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, thesis "Computer system for supporting risk management in a software engineering project", supervisor prof. Janusz Górski
  • 2005: PhD - Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, thesis "A Method of Software Project Risk Identification and Analysis", technical sciences, informatics, supervisor prof. Janusz Górski

Research interests:

  • Agile approaches to software development
  • Software project management
  • Risk and team management
  • Trust to software

Professional experience:

  • Associate professor since 2006
  • Responsibility for 3 courses, participation in 6 courses, development of new course plans and content, broad introduction of workshops, individual courses, collaboration with industry
  • Supervisor of about 50 master's theses and about 10 engineering diploma team projects
  • Supervisor of the Zarzadzanie IT (IT Management) student's research group
  • Participation in many research and development projects since 2002
  • More than 20 years of experience in the management of IT infrastructure in a small company
  • Management of an investment grant in a small company within the Regional Operational Programme
  • Co-funder and supporter of a spin-off company Argevide sp. z o.o., quality manager

Research projects:

  • 2002: DRIVE (DRugs in Virtual Enterprise), 5th EU Framework Programme project, contract number IST-1999-12040
  • 2003-2005: A Method of Software Project Risk Identification and Analysis, KBN grant (supervisory), 4 T11 C 008 25
  • 2004-2008: PIPS (Personalised Information Platform for health and life Services), 6th EU FP Integrated Project IST Contract 507019
  • 2007-2008: ANGEL (Advanced Networked Gateway to Enhance quality of Life), 6th EU Framework Programme STREP Project Contract IST-033506
  • 2009: ERM (Selected Problems in Environmental Risks Management and Emerging Threats), Polish-Norwegian Research Fund, project no. PNRF-290-A II-2/08
  • 2010-2014:  NOR-STA (Supporting Conformance to NOrms and STAndards), Innovative Economy Programme, no. UDA-POIG.01.03.01-22-142/09-00


  • 2000: Graduate's Golden Badge of Gdansk University of Technology
  • 2005: PhD degree with honors
  • 2010: Rector's Award of 2nd degree for exceptional achievements in teaching, individual
  • 2014: Rector's Award of 1st degree for exceptional achievements in organisation, team
  • 2016: Rector's Award of 2nd degree for exceptional achievements in teaching, individual
  • 2017: Rector's Award of 2nd degree for exceptional achievements in teaching, individual

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