dr inż. arch. Joanna Kabrońska
- Assistant professor at Department of Technical Fundamentals of Architectural Design
PhD with honours: Forma architektoniczna jako droga realizacji idei biblioteki przyszłości (Form of Architectural Solutions as a Means of Implementing the idea of Libraries of the Future), 1994
IV International Biennale of Architecture in Cracow Prize winner, 1991
DAAD post-doctoral scholarship, Berlin, 2002
Author of publications on architecture, art and memory, including the monograph Architektura jako forma pamięci. Rola architektury w tworzeniu współczesnego horyzontu wartości (Architecture as a Form of Memory: the Role of Architecture in the Creation of the Contemporary Horizon of Values), 2008; „Jeśli my zapomnimy, kto będzie pamiętał?” Dzieło sztuki jako manifestacja postpamięci (“If We Forget, Who Will Remember?” Work of Art as a Manifestation of Post-Memory), Politeja 3(35) 2015; On the Shoah and Memory: Contemporary Art and a Difficult Past, “The Holocaust and the Contemporary World”, International Conference, Cracow, 2015; Memory and Imagination: Artwork as a Form of Testimony, [in:] "Memory, Forgetting and Creating", Gdansk University Press, 2016; The Role of Architecture in Constructing Auschwitz, 2nd International Conference "Current Research on Auschwitz History and Memory", Cracow, 2017
European Association for Holocaust Studies EAHS founding member and EAHS Audit Committee member, since 2015
Architect having building license in speciality of architecture
e-Learning Coordinator of the Faculty of Architecture, since 2020
eLearning Platform Administrator of the Faculty of Architecture, since 2020
eLearning Specialist of the Faculty of Architecture, since 2014
Holder of the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)
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