dr hab. Leszek Kułak
Conducted classes
Optimization methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Diploma project (ACS)
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics
Basics of technical physics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Seminarium katedralne VI
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium katedralne IV
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Department's seminar II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium doktoranckie V
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium doktoranckie IV
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
MSc Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
MSc Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Mathematics
Zastosowania plazmonów powierzchniowych
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Optimization methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Basics of technical physics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Seminarium katedralne V
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Preparation of master’s thesis
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Mathematics
Department's seminar I
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
PhD seminar II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Department's seminar III
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Optimization methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
MSc Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Mathematics
PhD seminar III
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Final Dissertation
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Mathematics
Optimization methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Basics of technical physics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Preparation of master’s thesis
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Mathematics
PhD seminar I
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Optimization methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Diploma project (ACS)
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Basics of technical physics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Diploma project (EC)
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Conversion of Energy
Engineering project
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Nanotechnology
Preparation of master’s thesis
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Preparation of master’s thesis
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Mathematics
Praca dyplomowa licencjacka
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Mathematics
Diploma seminar
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Preparation of master’s thesis
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Mathematics
Preparation of master’s thesis
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Optimization methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Diploma project (ACS)
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Basics of technical physics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Diploma laboratory (ACS)
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Introduction to technical physics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Preparation of master’s thesis
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Mathematics
Projekt inżynierski
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Linear Programming
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Profesional practice
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Linear Programming
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
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