Małgorzata Wójcik - Biographical note - Bridge of Knowledge


Profile photo: PhD Małgorzata Wójcik

PhD Małgorzata Wójcik


  • adiunct at Physiotherapy

Research fields

  • No data


I am a physiotherapist with 26 years of experience (I am a therapist specialising in the following methods: NDT-Bobath, PNF, Cyriax, musculo-fascial relaxation) and DO osteopath (including pediatric osteopath). I have a PhD degree and have published scientific articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals: I focus on physiotherapy of newborns (premature babies) and infants with muscular tension disorders, as well as children with developmental age disorders. In my work with newborns and infants I use handling (the right way of carrying, caring and stimulating the child's development at every stage). I educate parents and caregivers of children in the field of handling. When conducting therapy with older children I use the skills and knowledge I have gained during 26 years of work experience. I treat each Patient individually, taking into consideration their current needs and I teach the parents and caregivers selected aspects of self-therapy in order to maintain good therapeutic effects. I also work with women - in pregnant and gynecologist dysfunctions. When working with young patients, having in mind the effectiveness of the therapy, I pay great attention to cooperation with the interdisciplinary team of specialists (gynecologist, midwife, paediatrician, child neurologist, speech therapist, speech neurologist, SI therapists), who through their actions significantly affect the development of children and the course of their therapy. My passions include downhill skiing, cross-country skiing and sailing.

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