Near-Infrared III Nanophosphorswith Cr3+Ni2+ Energy Transfer for Bioimaging - Open Research Data - Bridge of Knowledge


Near-Infrared III Nanophosphorswith Cr3+Ni2+ Energy Transfer for Bioimaging


In the biomedical field, the use of fluorescence imaging in the second near-infrared (NIR-II) region is growing rapidly because it imparts the advantages of reduced autofluorescence and low photon scattering. The advantage of reduced scattering is that it increases penetration depth in vivo and improves imaging clarity. Herein, this work uses mesoporous silica, a biocompatible template that can be easily modified, functionalized, and loaded with drugs for use in several bioapplications. The ZnGa2O4 spinel oxide system is integrated into mesoporous silica and different concentrations of Cr3+ and Ni2+ are loaded in octahedral sites to obtain the highest emission intensity in the NIR-II region at 1285 nm via energy transfer from Cr3+ to Ni2+. Given that only a few nanophosphor systems with emission in the NIR-II region are available, this work attempts to establish emission in the NIR-II and NIR-I regions to obtain images in vivo with an increased penetration depth to 5 mm and improved clarity for bioimaging purposes. This system will open the door for biomedical research on other NIR-II nanophosphors.

In that dataset, raw data of excitation and emission spectra, temperature-dependent emission spectra,  and decay profiles are provided.

Dataset file

Near-Infrared III Nanophosphorswith Cr3+Ni2+ Energy Transfer for Bioimaging.rar
4.7 MB, S3 ETag d3834f24f9e943916e2946e257a7056b-1, downloads: 60
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File details

Creative Commons: by 4.0 open in new tab
Raw data:
Data contained in dataset was not processed.
OriginLab, HPD-TA


Year of publication:
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DOI ID 10.34808/d37f-j804 open in new tab
Verified by:
No verification


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