The set of 22 sessions of 14-channel eeg signals recorded during watching pictures - Open Research Data - Bridge of Knowledge


The set of 22 sessions of 14-channel eeg signals recorded during watching pictures


The data were collected in order to perform research on the possibility of controlling the content displayed on the monitor screen using human emotional states extracted from EEG signals. The dataset contains recordings of 14-channel EEG signals collected from 10 persons within 22 sessions, during which 45 different random photos taken from the ImageNet ( collection were presented. All sessions were collected using the Emotiv Epoc+ device, which is equipped with 14 electrodes arranged in the 10-20 standard system.

The data for each sessions are collected in two files: sn_emotion_picture_timestamp.csv and sn_EEGlogger.csv, where n stands for the number of session. The time-dependent raw EEG signals for all electrodes (AF3, F7, F3, FC5, T7, P7, O1, O2, P8, T8, FC6, F4, F8, AF4) are written in the sn_EEGlogger files, while the timestamps of displaying pictures, self-assessment of the emotional states and ImageNet pictures ID are in the sn_emotion_picture_timestamp files. The display time of the pictures within first 13 sessions varies from 2 to 10 seconds (five pictures per each time bin), whereas in the last 9 sessions is constant and equals 5 seconds. During sessions from 14 to 22, the brain waves (theta, alpha, low beta, high beta and gamma) are additionally calculated based on the raw EEG signals for all electrodes and written to the sn_brain_waves.csv files.

Dataset file
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File details

Creative Commons: by-nc-sa 4.0 open in new tab
Non-commercial - Share-alike


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DOI ID 10.34808/1e5c-pp74 open in new tab
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology


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