dr Paweł Golda
- Assistant Professor at University of Silesia
Research fields
Social media
- pawel.golda@us.edu.pl
Publication showcase
Colour Terms in Five Linguistic Images of the World: The Semantic Perspective
Social and cultural factors shape the linguistic perception of colour. At the same time, colour terms co-create the linguistic image of the world, which allows us to interpret reality and profile our statements and beliefs. This paper presents six basic colour terms: white, black, red, green, yellow, and blue (both as adjectives and as nouns) in the five different linguistic images of the world of the following languages: English,...
Infedeltà nel trasferimento delle collocazioni nella traduzione dei romanzi di Michel Houellebecq dal francese all’italiano
Building on my PhD project, this paper explores fidelity challenges in the transfer of verb-nominal collocations (VNC) in the Italian translations of seven of Michel Houellebecq’s novels. I examine various kinds of infidelity, such as omissions, errors, incongruence in constituent transmission, incoherence in recurrent VNC transmission, and infidelity at the level of phraseological coverage. The accurate transfer...
La linguistique dans le Grand Robert : Les emplois marqués 'linguistique'
Il s’agit, dans ce travail, d’étudier le lexique marqué « Linguistique » dans le Grand Robert. Ce dictionnaire de langue est constitué d’une nomenclature métalinguistique qui se distingue, d’une part de celle appartenant à la langue générale, et d’autre part de celle appartenant à d’autres domaines spécialisés. Notre objectif consiste à étudier les propriétés distinguant ces différentes définitions élaborées par un lexicographe-linguiste.
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