Piotr Paradowski - Organizations - Bridge of Knowledge


Membership in scientific or artistic societies/organisations/institutions

  • Luxembourg Income Study (LIS), Luxembourg.

    Multinational organisation

    Conducted 2008-06-02 at position: Research associate and data expert. Coordinator of Luxembourg Wealth Study (LWS).

Membership in expert teams

  • Eurostat-OECD Expert Group on Measuring the Joint Distribution of Household Income, Consumption and Wealth at Micro Level

    OECD, France

    Contribution to measuring the joint distribution of household income, consumption and wealth at micro level

  • OECD Expert Group on Micro Statistics on Household Income, Consumption and Wealth

    OECD, France

    Contribution to OECD Guidelines for Micro Statistics on Household Wealth as well as OECD Framework for Statistics on the Distribution of Household Income, Consumption and Wealth.

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