Analysis of start energy of Stirling engine type alpha - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Analysis of start energy of Stirling engine type alpha


The Stirling engine type alpha is composed of two cylinders (expansion space E and compression space C), regenerator that forms the space between the cylinders and the buffer space (under the pistons). Before the start-up and as a result of long-term operation, the average pressure in the working space (above the pistons) and in the buffer space is the same. However, in the initial phase of operation, the average pressure in the working space is different then the average pressure in the buffer space depending on the crankshaft starting position (starting angle). This, in turn, causes a large variation in the starting torque. An additional unfavorable factor caused by a large variation in the course of the indicated torque is the rotational speed variation and the formation of torsional vibrations in the drive system. After some time, depending on the quality of the engine piston sealing, the average pressure in the working and buffer space will equalize. The occurrence of the above-described phenomenon affects the selection of the starting electric motor, which can be significantly reduced, when the crankshaft starting position is optimized (the starting torque is several times greater than the average torque occurring in the generator operation mode). This paper presents the analysis of the impact of the crankshaft starting position on the course of the indicated torque and the resulting start-up energy. Starting the engine at an unfavorable position of the crankshaft may, in extreme cases, increase the starting torque even three times.


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Published in:
Archives of Thermodynamics no. 40, pages 243 - 259,
ISSN: 1231-0956
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Kropiwnicki J.: Analysis of start energy of Stirling engine type alpha// Archives of Thermodynamics -Vol. 40,iss. 3 (2019), s.243-259
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.24425/ather.2019.130004
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