Hybrid DUMBRA: an efficient QoS routing algorithm for networks with DiffServ architecture - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Hybrid DUMBRA: an efficient QoS routing algorithm for networks with DiffServ architecture


Dynamic routing is very important issue of current packet networks. It may support the QoS and help utilize available network resources. Unfortunately current routing mechanisms are not sufficient to fully support QoS. Although many research has been done in this area no generic QoS routing algorithm has been proposed that could be used across all network structures. Existing QoS routing algorithms are either dedicated to limited network structures or provide to high computational complexity. This was the reason why authors made a deep dive into subject of routing. During the research new routing algorithm Hybrid-DUMBRA has been defined which is flexible for many network structures and provides promising results. The proposed algorithm has been verified in developed simulation model implemented in Omnet++ discrete event network simulator. Selected results are presented and discussed.

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Conference activity
publikacja w wydawnictwie zbiorowym recenzowanym (także w materiałach konferencyjnych)
Title of issue:
Proceedings of the First European Teletraffic Seminar, Poznań 14-16 February 2011 strony 220 - 224
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Czarkowski M., Kaczmarek S.: Hybrid DUMBRA: an efficient QoS routing algorithm for networks with DiffServ architecture// Proceedings of the First European Teletraffic Seminar, Poznań 14-16 February 2011/ ed. eds. G. Danilewicz, M. Głąbowski, P.J. Kuehn, M. Pióro. Poznan: Poznan University of Technology, 2011, s.220-224
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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