Избранные проблемы перевода специальных текстов (на примере польского и русского языков) [Selected problems in translation of specialized texts as exemplified in the Polish and Russian languages]
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- Category:
- Other publications
- Type:
- Other publications
- Title of issue:
- Индустрия перевода и инфopмaциoннe oбecпeчeниe внeшнeэкoнoмичecкoй дeятeльнoсти пpeдпpиятий. Translation Industry and Information Supply in International Business Activities strony 196 - 204
- Publication year:
- 2008
- Bibliographic description:
- Katarzyna Wojan, Избранные проблемы перевода специальных текстов (на примере польского и русского языков) [Selected problems in translation of specialized texts as exemplified in the Polish and Russian languages], [w:] Индустрия перевода и инфopмaциoннe oбecпeчeниe внeшнeэкoнoмичecкoй дeятeльнoсти пpeдпpиятий. Translation Industry and Information Supply in International Business Activities, red. T.S. Serova, Perm State Technical University Press, Perm 2008, s. 196–204, ISBN 978-5-88151-963-6
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- No verification
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