Surgeons’ perspectives on artificial intelligence to support clinical decision-making in trauma and emergency contexts: results from an international survey - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Surgeons’ perspectives on artificial intelligence to support clinical decision-making in trauma and emergency contexts: results from an international survey



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Authors (505)

  • Photo of  Lorenzo Cobianchi

    Lorenzo Cobianchi

  • Photo of  Daniele Piccolo

    Daniele Piccolo

  • Photo of  Francesca Dal

    Francesca Dal

  • Photo of  Vanni Agnoletti

    Vanni Agnoletti

  • Photo of  Luca Ansaloni

    Luca Ansaloni

  • Photo of  Jeremy Balch

    Jeremy Balch

  • Photo of  Walter Biffl

    Walter Biffl

  • Photo of  Giovanni Butturini

    Giovanni Butturini

  • Photo of  Fausto Catena

    Fausto Catena

  • Photo of  Federico Coccolini

    Federico Coccolini

  • Photo of  Stefano Denicolai

    Stefano Denicolai

  • Photo of  Belinda De

    Belinda De

  • Photo of  Isabella Frigerio

    Isabella Frigerio

  • Photo of  Paola Fugazzola

    Paola Fugazzola

  • Photo of  Gianluigi Marseglia

    Gianluigi Marseglia

  • Photo of  Giuseppe Marseglia

    Giuseppe Marseglia

  • Photo of  Jacopo Martellucci

    Jacopo Martellucci

  • Photo of  Mirko Modenese

    Mirko Modenese

  • Photo of  Pietro Previtali

    Pietro Previtali

  • Photo of  Federico Ruta

    Federico Ruta

  • Photo of  Alessandro Venturi

    Alessandro Venturi

  • Photo of  Haytham Kaafarani

    Haytham Kaafarani

  • Photo of  Tyler Loftus

    Tyler Loftus

  • Photo of  Kenneth Abbott

    Kenneth Abbott

  • Photo of  Abubaker Abdelmalik

    Abubaker Abdelmalik

  • Photo of  Nebyou Abebe

    Nebyou Abebe

  • Photo of  Fikri Abu-Zidan

    Fikri Abu-Zidan

  • Photo of  Yousif Adam

    Yousif Adam

  • Photo of  Harissou Adamou

    Harissou Adamou

  • Photo of  Dmitry Adamovich

    Dmitry Adamovich

  • Photo of  Ferdinando Agresta

    Ferdinando Agresta

  • Photo of  antonino Agrusa

    antonino Agrusa

  • Photo of  Emrah Akin

    Emrah Akin

  • Photo of  Mario Alessiani

    Mario Alessiani

  • Photo of  Henrique Alexandrino

    Henrique Alexandrino

  • Photo of  Syed Ali

    Syed Ali

  • Photo of  Vasilescu Mihai

    Vasilescu Mihai

  • Photo of  Pedro Almeida

    Pedro Almeida

  • Photo of  Mohammed Al-Shehari

    Mohammed Al-Shehari

  • Photo of  Michele Altomare

    Michele Altomare

  • Photo of  Francesco Amico

    Francesco Amico

  • Photo of  Michele Ammendola

    Michele Ammendola

  • Photo of  Jacopo Andreuccetti

    Jacopo Andreuccetti

  • Photo of  Elissavet Anestiadou

    Elissavet Anestiadou

  • Photo of  Peter Angelos

    Peter Angelos

  • Photo of  Alfredo Annicchiarico

    Alfredo Annicchiarico

  • Photo of  Amedeo Antonelli

    Amedeo Antonelli

  • Photo of  Daniel Aparicio-Sanchez

    Daniel Aparicio-Sanchez

  • Photo of  antonella Ardito

    antonella Ardito

  • Photo of  Giulio Argenio

    Giulio Argenio

  • Photo of  Catherine Arvieux

    Catherine Arvieux

  • Photo of  Ingolf Askevold

    Ingolf Askevold

  • Photo of  Boyko Atanasov

    Boyko Atanasov

  • Photo of  Goran Augustin

    Goran Augustin

  • Photo of  Selmy Awad

    Selmy Awad

  • Photo of  Giulia Bacchiocchi

    Giulia Bacchiocchi

  • Photo of  Carlo Bagnoli

    Carlo Bagnoli

  • Photo of  Hany Bahouth

    Hany Bahouth

  • Photo of  Efstratia Baili

    Efstratia Baili

  • Photo of  Lovenish Bains

    Lovenish Bains

  • Photo of  Gian Baiocchi

    Gian Baiocchi

  • Photo of  Miklosh Bala

    Miklosh Bala

  • Photo of  Carmen Balagué

    Carmen Balagué

  • Photo of  Dimitrios Balalis

    Dimitrios Balalis

  • Photo of  Edoardo Baldini

    Edoardo Baldini

  • Photo of  oussama Baraket

    oussama Baraket

  • Photo of  Suman Baral

    Suman Baral

  • Photo of  Mirko Barone

    Mirko Barone

  • Photo of  Alberto Barranquero

    Alberto Barranquero

  • Photo of  Jorge Barreras

    Jorge Barreras

  • Photo of  Gary Bass

    Gary Bass

  • Photo of  Zulfu Bayhan

    Zulfu Bayhan

  • Photo of  Giovanni Bellanova

    Giovanni Bellanova

  • Photo of  Offir Ben-Ishay

    Offir Ben-Ishay

  • Photo of  Fabrizio Bert

    Fabrizio Bert

  • Photo of  Valentina Bianchi

    Valentina Bianchi

  • Photo of  Helena Biancuzzi

    Helena Biancuzzi

  • Photo of  Chiara Bidoli

    Chiara Bidoli

  • Photo of  Raluca Radulescu

    Raluca Radulescu

  • Photo of  Mark Bignell

    Mark Bignell

  • Photo of  Alan Biloslavo

    Alan Biloslavo

  • Photo of  Daniele Bissacco

    Daniele Bissacco

  • Photo of  Roberto Bini

    Roberto Bini

  • Photo of  Paolo Boati

    Paolo Boati

  • Photo of  Guillaume Boddaert

    Guillaume Boddaert

  • Photo of  Branko Bogdanic

    Branko Bogdanic

  • Photo of  Cristina Bombardini

    Cristina Bombardini

  • Photo of  Luigi Bonavina

    Luigi Bonavina

  • Photo of  Luca Bonomo

    Luca Bonomo

  • Photo of  Andrea Bottari

    Andrea Bottari

  • Photo of  Konstantinos Bouliaris

    Konstantinos Bouliaris

  • Photo of  Gioia Brachini

    Gioia Brachini

  • Photo of  Antonio Brillantino

    Antonio Brillantino

  • Photo of  Giuseppe Brisinda

    Giuseppe Brisinda

  • Photo of  Maloni Bulanauca

    Maloni Bulanauca

  • Photo of  Luis Buonomo

    Luis Buonomo

  • Photo of  Jakob Burcharth

    Jakob Burcharth

  • Photo of  Salvatore Buscemi

    Salvatore Buscemi

  • Photo of  Francesca Calabretto

    Francesca Calabretto

  • Photo of  Giacomo Calini

    Giacomo Calini

  • Photo of  Valentin Calu

    Valentin Calu

  • Photo of  Fabio Campanile

    Fabio Campanile

  • Photo of  Riccardo Campo

    Riccardo Campo

  • Photo of  Andrea Campos-Serra

    Andrea Campos-Serra

  • Photo of  Stefano Campostrini

    Stefano Campostrini

  • Photo of  Recayi Capoglu

    Recayi Capoglu

  • Photo of  Joao Carvas

    Joao Carvas

  • Photo of  Marco Cascella

    Marco Cascella

  • Photo of  Gianmaria Casoni

    Gianmaria Casoni

  • Photo of  Valerio Celentano

    Valerio Celentano

  • Photo of  Danilo Centonze

    Danilo Centonze

  • Photo of  Marco Ceresoli

    Marco Ceresoli

  • Photo of  Dimitrios Chatzipetris

    Dimitrios Chatzipetris

  • Photo of  Antonella Chessa

    Antonella Chessa

  • Photo of  Maria Chiarello

    Maria Chiarello

  • Photo of  Mircea Chirica

    Mircea Chirica

  • Photo of  Serge Chooklin

    Serge Chooklin

  • Photo of  Christos Chouliaras

    Christos Chouliaras

  • Photo of  Sharfuddin Chowdhury

    Sharfuddin Chowdhury

  • Photo of  Pasquale Cianci

    Pasquale Cianci

  • Photo of  Nicola Cillara

    Nicola Cillara

  • Photo of  Stefania Cimbanassi

    Stefania Cimbanassi

  • Photo of  Stefano Cioffi

    Stefano Cioffi

  • Photo of  Elif Colak

    Elif Colak

  • Photo of  Enrique Colás

    Enrique Colás

  • Photo of  Luigi Conti

    Luigi Conti

  • Photo of  Alessandro Coppola

    Alessandro Coppola

  • Photo of  Tiago Correia

    Tiago Correia

  • Photo of  Silvia Dantas

    Silvia Dantas

  • Photo of  Valerio Cozza

    Valerio Cozza

  • Photo of  Giuseppe Curro’

    Giuseppe Curro’

  • Photo of  Kirsten Dabekaussen

    Kirsten Dabekaussen

  • Photo of  Fabrizio D’Acapito

    Fabrizio D’Acapito

  • Photo of  Dimitrios Damaskos

    Dimitrios Damaskos

  • Photo of  Giancarlo D’Ambrosio

    Giancarlo D’Ambrosio

  • Photo of  Koray Das

    Koray Das

  • Photo of  Richard Davies

    Richard Davies

  • Photo of  Andrew De

    Andrew De

  • Photo of  Sara De

    Sara De

  • Photo of  Alessandro De

    Alessandro De

  • Photo of  Francesca De

    Francesca De

  • Photo of  Luca Degrate

    Luca Degrate

  • Photo of  Zaza Demetrashvili

    Zaza Demetrashvili

  • Photo of  Andreas Demetriades

    Andreas Demetriades

  • Photo of  Dzemail Detanac

    Dzemail Detanac

  • Photo of  Agnese Dezi

    Agnese Dezi

  • Photo of  Giuseppe Di

    Giuseppe Di

  • Photo of  Isidoro Di

    Isidoro Di

  • Photo of  Pierpaolo Di

    Pierpaolo Di

  • Photo of  Marcello Di

    Marcello Di

  • Photo of  Salomone Di

    Salomone Di

  • Photo of  Bogdan Diaconescu

    Bogdan Diaconescu

  • Photo of  Jose Diaz

    Jose Diaz

  • Photo of  Rigers Dibra

    Rigers Dibra

  • Photo of  Evgeni Dimitrov

    Evgeni Dimitrov

  • Photo of  Vincenza Dinuzzi

    Vincenza Dinuzzi

  • Photo of  Sandra Dios-Barbeito

    Sandra Dios-Barbeito

  • Photo of  Jehangir Diyani

    Jehangir Diyani

  • Photo of  Agron Dogjani

    Agron Dogjani

  • Photo of  Maurizio Domanin

    Maurizio Domanin

  • Photo of  Mario D’Oria

    Mario D’Oria

  • Photo of  Virginia Duran

    Virginia Duran

  • Photo of  Barbora East

    Barbora East

  • Photo of  Mikael Ekelund

    Mikael Ekelund

  • Photo of  Gerald Ekwen

    Gerald Ekwen

  • Photo of  Adel Elbaih

    Adel Elbaih

  • Photo of  Muhammed Elhadi

    Muhammed Elhadi

  • Photo of  Natalie Enninghorst

    Natalie Enninghorst

  • Photo of  Mairam Ernisova

    Mairam Ernisova

  • Photo of  Juan Escalera-Antezana

    Juan Escalera-Antezana

  • Photo of  Sofia Esposito

    Sofia Esposito

  • Photo of  Giuseppe Esposito

    Giuseppe Esposito

  • Photo of  Mercedes Estaire

    Mercedes Estaire

  • Photo of  Camilla Farè

    Camilla Farè

  • Photo of  Roser Farre

    Roser Farre

  • Photo of  Francesco Favi

    Francesco Favi

  • Photo of  Luca Ferrario

    Luca Ferrario

  • Photo of  Antonjacopo Ferrario

    Antonjacopo Ferrario

  • Photo of  Claudia Filisetti

    Claudia Filisetti

  • Photo of  Francesco Fleres

    Francesco Fleres

  • Photo of  Vinicius Cordeiro

    Vinicius Cordeiro

  • Photo of  Alexander Forero-Torres

    Alexander Forero-Torres

  • Photo of  Francesco Forfori

    Francesco Forfori

  • Photo of  Laura Fortuna

    Laura Fortuna

  • Photo of  Evangelos Fradelos

    Evangelos Fradelos

  • Photo of  Gustavo Fraga

    Gustavo Fraga

  • Photo of  Pietro Fransvea

    Pietro Fransvea

  • Photo of  Simone Frassini

    Simone Frassini

  • Photo of  Giuseppe Frazzetta

    Giuseppe Frazzetta

  • Photo of  Erica Pizzocaro

    Erica Pizzocaro

  • Photo of  Maximos Frountzas

    Maximos Frountzas

  • Photo of  Mahir Gachabayov

    Mahir Gachabayov

  • Photo of  Rita Galeiras

    Rita Galeiras

  • Photo of  Alain Garcia

    Alain Garcia

  • Photo of  Simone Gargarella

    Simone Gargarella

  • Photo of  Ibrahim Garzali

    Ibrahim Garzali

  • Photo of  Wagih Ghannam

    Wagih Ghannam

  • Photo of  Faiz Ghazi

    Faiz Ghazi

  • Photo of  Lawrence Gillman

    Lawrence Gillman

  • Photo of  Rossella Gioco

    Rossella Gioco

  • Photo of  Alessio Giordano

    Alessio Giordano

  • Photo of  Luca Giordano

    Luca Giordano

  • Photo of  Carlo Giove

    Carlo Giove

  • Photo of  Giorgio Giraudo

    Giorgio Giraudo

  • Photo of  Mario Giuffrida

    Mario Giuffrida

  • Photo of  Michela Giulii

    Michela Giulii

  • Photo of  Emanuel Gois

    Emanuel Gois

  • Photo of  Carlos Gomes

    Carlos Gomes

  • Photo of  Felipe Gomes

    Felipe Gomes

  • Photo of  Emre Gonullu

    Emre Gonullu

  • Photo of  Jacques Goosen

    Jacques Goosen

  • Photo of  Tatjana Goranovic

    Tatjana Goranovic

  • Photo of  Raquel Gracia-Roman

    Raquel Gracia-Roman

  • Photo of  Giorgio Graziano

    Giorgio Graziano

  • Photo of  Ewen Griffiths

    Ewen Griffiths

  • Photo of  Tommaso Guagni

    Tommaso Guagni

  • Photo of  Dimitar Hadzhiev

    Dimitar Hadzhiev

  • Photo of  Muad Haidar

    Muad Haidar

  • Photo of  Hytham Hamid

    Hytham Hamid

  • Photo of  Timothy Hardcastle

    Timothy Hardcastle

  • Photo of  Firdaus Hayati

    Firdaus Hayati

  • Photo of  Andrew Healey

    Andrew Healey

  • Photo of  Andreas Hecker

    Andreas Hecker

  • Photo of  Matthias Hecker

    Matthias Hecker

  • Photo of  Edgar Hernandez

    Edgar Hernandez

  • Photo of  Adrien Hodonou

    Adrien Hodonou

  • Photo of  Eduardo Huaman

    Eduardo Huaman

  • Photo of  Martin Huerta

    Martin Huerta

  • Photo of  Aini Ibrahim

    Aini Ibrahim

  • Photo of  Basil Ibrahim

    Basil Ibrahim

  • Photo of  Giuseppe Ietto

    Giuseppe Ietto

  • Photo of  Marco Inama

    Marco Inama

  • Photo of  Orestis Ioannidis

    Orestis Ioannidis

  • Photo of  Arda Isik

    Arda Isik

  • Photo of  Nizar Ismail

    Nizar Ismail

  • Photo of  Azzain Ismail

    Azzain Ismail

  • Photo of  Ruhi Jailani

    Ruhi Jailani

  • Photo of  Ji Jang

    Ji Jang

  • Photo of  Christos Kalfountzos

    Christos Kalfountzos

  • Photo of  Sujala Kalipershad

    Sujala Kalipershad

  • Photo of  Emmanouil Kaouras

    Emmanouil Kaouras

  • Photo of  Lewis Kaplan

    Lewis Kaplan

  • Photo of  Yasin Kara

    Yasin Kara

  • Photo of  Evika Karamagioli

    Evika Karamagioli

  • Photo of  Aleksandar Karamarkovia

    Aleksandar Karamarkovia

  • Photo of  Ioannis Katsaros

    Ioannis Katsaros

  • Photo of  Alfie Kavalakat

    Alfie Kavalakat

  • Photo of  Aristotelis Kechagias

    Aristotelis Kechagias

  • Photo of  Jakub Kenig

    Jakub Kenig

  • Photo of  Boris Kessel

    Boris Kessel

  • Photo of  Jim Khan

    Jim Khan

  • Photo of  Vladimir Khokha

    Vladimir Khokha

  • Photo of  Jae Kim

    Jae Kim

  • Photo of  Andrew Kirkpatrick

    Andrew Kirkpatrick

  • Photo of  Roberto Klappenbach

    Roberto Klappenbach

  • Photo of  Yoram Kluger

    Yoram Kluger

  • Photo of  Yoshiro Kobe

    Yoshiro Kobe

  • Photo of  Efstratios Lymperis

    Efstratios Lymperis

  • Photo of  Kenneth Kok

    Kenneth Kok

  • Photo of  Victor Kong

    Victor Kong

  • Photo of  Dimitris Korkolis

    Dimitris Korkolis

  • Photo of  Georgios Koukoulis

    Georgios Koukoulis

  • Photo of  Bojan Kovacevic

    Bojan Kovacevic

  • Photo of  Vitor Kruger

    Vitor Kruger

  • Photo of  Igor Kryvoruchko

    Igor Kryvoruchko

  • Photo of  Hayato Kurihara

    Hayato Kurihara

  • Photo of  Akira Kuriyama

    Akira Kuriyama

  • Photo of  Aitor Landaluce-Olavarria

    Aitor Landaluce-Olavarria

  • Photo of  Pierfrancesco Lapolla

    Pierfrancesco Lapolla

  • Photo of  Ari Leppäniemi

    Ari Leppäniemi

  • Photo of  Leo Licari

    Leo Licari

  • Photo of  Giorgio Lisi

    Giorgio Lisi

  • Photo of  Andrey Litvin

    Andrey Litvin

  • Photo of  Aintzane Lizarazu

    Aintzane Lizarazu

  • Photo of  Heura Bayo

    Heura Bayo

  • Photo of  Varut Lohsiriwat

    Varut Lohsiriwat

  • Photo of  Claudia Lopes

    Claudia Lopes

  • Photo of  Eftychios Lostoridis

    Eftychios Lostoridis

  • Photo of  Agustãn. Tovar

    Agustãn. Tovar

  • Photo of  Davide Luppi

    Davide Luppi

  • Photo of  Gustavo V.

    Gustavo V.

  • Photo of  Marc Maegele

    Marc Maegele

  • Photo of  Daniele Maggiore

    Daniele Maggiore

  • Photo of  Stefano Magnone

    Stefano Magnone

  • Photo of  Ronald Maier

    Ronald Maier

  • Photo of  Piotr Major

    Piotr Major

  • Photo of  Mallikarjuna Manangi

    Mallikarjuna Manangi

  • Photo of  andrea manetti

    andrea manetti

  • Photo of  Baris Mantoglu

    Baris Mantoglu

  • Photo of  Chiara Marafante

    Chiara Marafante

  • Photo of  Federico Mariani

    Federico Mariani

  • Photo of  Athanasios Marinis

    Athanasios Marinis

  • Photo of  Evandro Mariot

    Evandro Mariot

  • Photo of  Gennaro Martines

    Gennaro Martines

  • Photo of  Aleix Perez

    Aleix Perez

  • Photo of  Costanza Martino

    Costanza Martino

  • Photo of  Pietro Mascagni

    Pietro Mascagni

  • Photo of  Damien Massalou

    Damien Massalou

  • Photo of  Maurizio Massaro

    Maurizio Massaro

  • Photo of  Belen Matías-García

    Belen Matías-García

  • Photo of  Gennaro Mazzarella

    Gennaro Mazzarella

  • Photo of  Giorgio Mazzarolo

    Giorgio Mazzarolo

  • Photo of  Renato Melo

    Renato Melo

  • Photo of  Fernando Mendoza-Moreno

    Fernando Mendoza-Moreno

  • Photo of  Serhat Meric

    Serhat Meric

  • Photo of  Jeremy Meyer

    Jeremy Meyer

  • Photo of  Luca Miceli

    Luca Miceli

  • Photo of  Nikolaos Michalopoulos

    Nikolaos Michalopoulos

  • Photo of  Flavio Milana

    Flavio Milana

  • Photo of  Andrea Mingoli

    Andrea Mingoli

  • Photo of  Tushar Mishra

    Tushar Mishra

  • Photo of  Muyed Mohamed

    Muyed Mohamed

  • Photo of  Musab Mohamed

    Musab Mohamed

  • Photo of  Ali Mohamedahmed

    Ali Mohamedahmed

  • Photo of  Mohammed Mohammed

    Mohammed Mohammed

  • Photo of  Rajashekar Mohan

    Rajashekar Mohan

  • Photo of  Ernest Moore

    Ernest Moore

  • Photo of  Dieter Morales-Garcia

    Dieter Morales-Garcia

  • Photo of  MÃ¥ns Muhrbeck

    MÃ¥ns Muhrbeck

  • Photo of  Francesk Mulita

    Francesk Mulita

  • Photo of  Sami Mustafa

    Sami Mustafa

  • Photo of  Edoardo Muttillo

    Edoardo Muttillo

  • Photo of  Mukhammad Naimzada

    Mukhammad Naimzada

  • Photo of  Pradeep Navsaria

    Pradeep Navsaria

  • Photo of  Ionut Negoi

    Ionut Negoi

  • Photo of  Luca Nespoli

    Luca Nespoli

  • Photo of  Christine Nguyen

    Christine Nguyen

  • Photo of  Melkamu Nidaw

    Melkamu Nidaw

  • Photo of  Giuseppe Nigri

    Giuseppe Nigri

  • Photo of  Ioannis Nikolopoulos

    Ioannis Nikolopoulos

  • Photo of  Donal O’Connor

    Donal O’Connor

  • Photo of  Habeeb Ogundipe

    Habeeb Ogundipe

  • Photo of  Cristina Oliveri

    Cristina Oliveri

  • Photo of  Stefano Olmi

    Stefano Olmi

  • Photo of  Ernest Ong

    Ernest Ong

  • Photo of  Luca Orecchia

    Luca Orecchia

  • Photo of  Aleksei Osipov

    Aleksei Osipov

  • Photo of  Muhammad Othman

    Muhammad Othman

  • Photo of  Marco Pace

    Marco Pace

  • Photo of  Mario Pacilli

    Mario Pacilli

  • Photo of  Leonardo Pagani

    Leonardo Pagani

  • Photo of  Giuseppe Palomba

    Giuseppe Palomba

  • Photo of  Desire’ Pantalone

    Desire’ Pantalone

  • Photo of  Arpad Panyko

    Arpad Panyko

  • Photo of  Ciro Paolillo

    Ciro Paolillo

  • Photo of  Mario Papa

    Mario Papa

  • Photo of  Dimitrios Papaconstantinou

    Dimitrios Papaconstantinou

  • Photo of  Maria Papadoliopoulou

    Maria Papadoliopoulou

  • Photo of  Aristeidis Papadopoulos

    Aristeidis Papadopoulos

  • Photo of  Davide Papis

    Davide Papis

  • Photo of  Nikolaos Pararas

    Nikolaos Pararas

  • Photo of  Jose Parreira

    Jose Parreira

  • Photo of  Neil Parry

    Neil Parry

  • Photo of  Francesco Pata

    Francesco Pata

  • Photo of  Tapan Patel

    Tapan Patel

  • Photo of  Simon Paterson-Brown

    Simon Paterson-Brown

  • Photo of  Giovanna Pavone

    Giovanna Pavone

  • Photo of  Francesca Pecchini

    Francesca Pecchini

  • Photo of  Veronica Pegoraro

    Veronica Pegoraro

  • Photo of  Gianluca Pellino

    Gianluca Pellino

  • Photo of  Maria Pelloni

    Maria Pelloni

  • Photo of  Andrea Peloso

    Andrea Peloso

  • Photo of  Eduardo Perea

    Eduardo Perea

  • Photo of  Rita Pereira

    Rita Pereira

  • Photo of  Bruno Pereira

    Bruno Pereira

  • Photo of  Aintzane Perez

    Aintzane Perez

  • Photo of  Silvia Pérez

    Silvia Pérez

  • Photo of  Teresa Perra

    Teresa Perra

  • Photo of  Gennaro Perrone

    Gennaro Perrone

  • Photo of  Antonio Pesce

    Antonio Pesce

  • Photo of  Lorenzo Petagna

    Lorenzo Petagna

  • Photo of  Giovanni Petracca

    Giovanni Petracca

  • Photo of  Vorapong Phupong

    Vorapong Phupong

  • Photo of  Biagio Picardi

    Biagio Picardi

  • Photo of  Arcangelo Picciariello

    Arcangelo Picciariello

  • Photo of  Micaela Piccoli

    Micaela Piccoli

  • Photo of  Edoardo Picetti

    Edoardo Picetti

  • Photo of  Emmanouil Pikoulis

    Emmanouil Pikoulis

  • Photo of  Tadeja Pintar

    Tadeja Pintar

  • Photo of  Giovanni Pirozzolo

    Giovanni Pirozzolo

  • Photo of  Francesco Piscioneri

    Francesco Piscioneri

  • Photo of  Mauro Podda

    Mauro Podda

  • Photo of  Alberto Porcu

    Alberto Porcu

  • Photo of  Francesca Privitera

    Francesca Privitera

  • Photo of  Clelia Punzo

    Clelia Punzo

  • Photo of  Silvia Quaresima

    Silvia Quaresima

  • Photo of  Martha Quiodettis

    Martha Quiodettis

  • Photo of  Niels Qvist

    Niels Qvist

  • Photo of  Razrim Rahim

    Razrim Rahim

  • Photo of  Filipe de

    Filipe de

  • Photo of  Rosnelifaizur Ramely

    Rosnelifaizur Ramely

  • Photo of  Huseyin Rasa

    Huseyin Rasa

  • Photo of  Martin Reichert

    Martin Reichert

  • Photo of  Alexander Reinisch-Liese

    Alexander Reinisch-Liese

  • Photo of  Angela Renne

    Angela Renne

  • Photo of  Camilla Riccetti

    Camilla Riccetti

  • Photo of  Maria Rodriguez-Luna

    Maria Rodriguez-Luna

  • Photo of  Daniel Roizblatt

    Daniel Roizblatt

  • Photo of  Andrea Romanzi

    Andrea Romanzi

  • Photo of  Luigi Romeo

    Luigi Romeo

  • Photo of  Francesco Roscio

    Francesco Roscio

  • Photo of  Ramely Rosnelifaizur

    Ramely Rosnelifaizur

  • Photo of  Stefano Rossi

    Stefano Rossi

  • Photo of  Andres Rubiano

    Andres Rubiano

  • Photo of  Elena Ruiz-Ucar

    Elena Ruiz-Ucar

  • Photo of  Boris Sakakushev

    Boris Sakakushev

  • Photo of  Juan Salamea

    Juan Salamea

  • Photo of  Ibrahima Sall

    Ibrahima Sall

  • Photo of  Lasitha Samarakoon

    Lasitha Samarakoon

  • Photo of  Fabrizio Sammartano

    Fabrizio Sammartano

  • Photo of  Alejandro Arteaga

    Alejandro Arteaga

  • Photo of  Sergi Sanchez-Cordero

    Sergi Sanchez-Cordero

  • Photo of  Domenico Santoanastaso

    Domenico Santoanastaso

  • Photo of  Massimo Sartelli

    Massimo Sartelli

  • Photo of  Diego Sasia

    Diego Sasia

  • Photo of  NORIO SATO


  • Photo of  Artem Savchuk

    Artem Savchuk

  • Photo of  Robert Sawyer

    Robert Sawyer

  • Photo of  Giacomo Scaioli

    Giacomo Scaioli



  • Photo of  Simone Sebastiani

    Simone Sebastiani

  • Photo of  Barbara Seeliger

    Barbara Seeliger

  • Photo of  Helmut Lohse

    Helmut Lohse

  • Photo of  Charalampos Seretis

    Charalampos Seretis

  • Photo of  Giacomo Sermonesi

    Giacomo Sermonesi

  • Photo of  Mario Serradilla-Martin

    Mario Serradilla-Martin

  • Photo of  Vishal Shelat

    Vishal Shelat

  • Photo of  Sergei Shlyapnikov

    Sergei Shlyapnikov

  • Photo of  Theodoros Sidiropoulos

    Theodoros Sidiropoulos

  • Photo of  Romeo Simoes

    Romeo Simoes

  • Photo of  Leandro Siragusa

    Leandro Siragusa

  • Photo of  Boonying Siribumrungwong

    Boonying Siribumrungwong

  • Photo of  Mihail Slavchev

    Mihail Slavchev

  • Photo of  Leonardo Solaini

    Leonardo Solaini

  • Photo of  gabriele soldini

    gabriele soldini

  • Photo of  Andrey Sopuev

    Andrey Sopuev

  • Photo of  Kjetil Soreide

    Kjetil Soreide



  • Photo of  Philip Stahel

    Philip Stahel

  • Photo of  Matt Strickland

    Matt Strickland

  • Photo of  Mohamed Sultan

    Mohamed Sultan

  • Photo of  Ruslan Sydorchuk

    Ruslan Sydorchuk

  • Photo of  Larysa Sydorchuk

    Larysa Sydorchuk

  • Photo of  Syed Syed

    Syed Syed

  • Photo of  Luis Tallon-Aguilar

    Luis Tallon-Aguilar

  • Photo of  Andrea Tamburini

    Andrea Tamburini

  • Photo of  Nicolò Tamini

    Nicolò Tamini

  • Photo of  Edward Tan

    Edward Tan

  • Photo of  Jih Tan

    Jih Tan

  • Photo of  Antonio Tarasconi

    Antonio Tarasconi

  • Photo of  Nicola Tartaglia

    Nicola Tartaglia

  • Photo of  Giuseppe Tartaglia

    Giuseppe Tartaglia

  • Photo of  Dario Tartaglia

    Dario Tartaglia

  • Photo of  John Taylor

    John Taylor

  • Photo of  Giovanni Tebala

    Giovanni Tebala

  • Photo of  Ricardo Gonsaga

    Ricardo Gonsaga

  • Photo of  Michel Teuben

    Michel Teuben

  • Photo of  Alexis Theodorou

    Alexis Theodorou

  • Photo of  Matti Tolonen

    Matti Tolonen

  • Photo of  Giovanni Tomasicchio

    Giovanni Tomasicchio

  • Photo of  Adriana Toro

    Adriana Toro

  • Photo of  Beatrice Torre

    Beatrice Torre

  • Photo of  Tania Triantafyllou

    Tania Triantafyllou

  • Photo of  Giuseppe Trigiante

    Giuseppe Trigiante

  • Photo of  Marzia Tripepi

    Marzia Tripepi

  • Photo of  Julio Trostchansky

    Julio Trostchansky

  • Photo of  Konstantinos Tsekouras

    Konstantinos Tsekouras

  • Photo of  Victor Turrado-Rodriguez

    Victor Turrado-Rodriguez

  • Photo of  Roberta Tutino

    Roberta Tutino

  • Photo of  Matteo Uccelli

    Matteo Uccelli

  • Photo of  Petar Uchikov

    Petar Uchikov

  • Photo of  Bakarne Ugarte-Sierra

    Bakarne Ugarte-Sierra

  • Photo of  Mika Ukkonen

    Mika Ukkonen

  • Photo of  Michail Vailas

    Michail Vailas

  • Photo of  Panteleimon Vassiliu

    Panteleimon Vassiliu

  • Photo of  Alain Vazquez

    Alain Vazquez

  • Photo of  Rita Vazquez

    Rita Vazquez

  • Photo of  George Velmahos

    George Velmahos

  • Photo of  Juan Verde

    Juan Verde

  • Photo of  Massimiliano Veroux

    Massimiliano Veroux

  • Photo of  Jacopo Viganò

    Jacopo Viganò

  • Photo of  Ramon Vilallonga

    Ramon Vilallonga

  • Photo of  Diego Visconti

    Diego Visconti

  • Photo of  Alessandro Vittori

    Alessandro Vittori

  • Photo of  Maciej Waledziak

    Maciej Waledziak

  • Photo of  Tongporn Wannatoop

    Tongporn Wannatoop

  • Photo of  Lukas Widmer

    Lukas Widmer

  • Photo of  Michael Wilson

    Michael Wilson

  • Photo of  Sarah Woltz

    Sarah Woltz

  • Photo of  Ting Wong

    Ting Wong

  • Photo of  Sofia Xenaki

    Sofia Xenaki

  • Photo of  Byungchul Yu

    Byungchul Yu

  • Photo of  Steven Yule

    Steven Yule

  • Photo of  Sanoop Zachariah

    Sanoop Zachariah

  • Photo of  Georgios Zacharis

    Georgios Zacharis

  • Photo of  Claudia Zaghi

    Claudia Zaghi

  • Photo of  Andee Zakaria

    Andee Zakaria

  • Photo of  Diego Zambrano

    Diego Zambrano

  • Photo of  Nikolaos Zampitis

    Nikolaos Zampitis

  • Photo of  Biagio Zampogna

    Biagio Zampogna

  • Photo of  Simone Zanghì

    Simone Zanghì

  • Photo of  Maristella Zantedeschi

    Maristella Zantedeschi

  • Photo of  Konstantinos Zapsalis

    Konstantinos Zapsalis

  • Photo of  Fabio Zattoni

    Fabio Zattoni

  • Photo of  Monica Zese

    Monica Zese

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Magazine publication
Magazine publication
Published in:
World Journal of Emergency Surgery no. 18, edition 1,
ISSN: 1749-7922
Publication year:
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.1186/s13017-022-00467-3
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