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e-Learning Courses -
Communication and Negotiations (Komunikacja i negocjacje w zespołach)
e-Learning CoursesKurs przeznaczony jest dla studentów II semestru studiów I stopnia na kierunku Inżynieria Danych, prowadzonego wspólnie przez WZiE oraz WETI. Przedmiot dotyczy zasad efektywnej komunikacji, szczególnie w sytuacji pracy zespołu projektowego, oraz negocjacji, głównie z interesariuszami wewnętrznymi i zewnętrznymi. Zajęcia maja formę interaktywnych warsztatów, na których studenci nie tylko poznają reguły skutecznej komunikacji i negocjacji,...
Communication and Visualisation in Building Automation - 2022/23 - Nowy
e-Learning CoursesLecture "Communication and Visualisation in Building Automation", Wydział ETI, katedra KSA, II stopień studiów
Kalman filters and stochastic control - winter 2022/2023
e-Learning CoursesThe lecture focusses on designing of Kalman filters and stochastic control of dynamic systems.
Radio Communication Antennas and MIMO Techniques 2024/25
e-Learning Courses -
e-Learning Courses -
Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication Group Work 24/25
e-Learning CoursesThe main objective of this coure is to search information on a given topic. On this course students have to present their opinions on a specific topic in the form of a multimedia presentation. Classes are designed to improve the skills of public speaking and to acquire basic knowledge about verbal and nonverbal communication, speeches principles (rhetoric), statement ethics, the rules of disscusion, the basics of good manners....
Kalman filters and stochastic control - winter 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesThe lecture focusses on designing of Kalman filters and stochastic control of dynamic systems.
Radio Communication Antennas and MIMO Techniques (2023/24)
e-Learning CoursesCourse assigned to the following subject: - Radio Communication Antennas and MIMO Techniques (profile Radio Communication Systems and Networks [EN])
2024/2025_WINTER SCADA systems in automatic control (project)
e-Learning CoursesSCADA Systems in Automatic Control - project materials
2024/2025 Powertrain and Control Systems of Autonomous Vehicles
e-Learning CoursesPowertrain and Control Systems of Autonomous Vehicles In this class, you will learn the operating principles of key components in autonomous vehicles, including the powertrain, engine, and batteries. We will explore modeling and control techniques used in these systems, demonstrating the practical applications of the algorithms you have studied so far.
Kalman filters and stochastic control - winter 2024/2025
e-Learning CoursesThe lecture focusses on designing of Kalman filters and stochastic control of dynamic systems.
e-Learning Courses -
Theory of design - Problems of Contemporary Architecture and Urbanism (lecture) 2024/25
e-Learning Courses -
History of Contemporary Architecture & Urbanism (2024/25)-Urbanism part
e-Learning Courses -
English for International Students of Engineering Summer Course 2024
e-Learning Courses -
English Language Bridging ( Crash ) Course for Chinese Students
e-Learning Courses -
Systemy obliczeniowe wysokiej wydajności/High performance computing >> systems - Nowy - Nowy
e-Learning Courses -
Human-Computer Interaction, sem. letni 2018/2019
e-Learning Courses -
Maritime, Aerial & Satellite Radio Communication - 2024/2025
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of the course is to familiarize with selected issues related to maritime, aerial and satellite radio communication systems.
Anna Soczyńska, Polish course, sem.1, 24/25l
e-Learning Courses -
Anna Soczyńska, Polish course, sem.2, 24/25l
e-Learning Courses -
Anna Soczyńska, Polish course, sem.3, 24/25
e-Learning Courses -
[ITiT] Transmission Channel in Radio Communication Systems - 2023/2024
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: informatyka techniczna i telekomunikacja Zajęcia fakultatywne dla doktorantów II roku Prowadzący: dr hab. inż. Sławomir Ambroziak, prof. PG Liczba godzin: 15 Forma zajęć: wykład {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: technical informatics and telecommunications Elective course for 2nd-year PhD students Academic teachers: dr hab. inż. Sławomir Ambroziak, prof. PG Total hours of training: 15 teaching hours Course...
Anna Soczyńska, Polish course for Erasmus, Thursday, 23/24z
e-Learning Courses -
Elective course: Daylight sem 4 and 6 23/24
e-Learning CoursesThe elective project class is dedicated to daylight analysis within the built environment.
Szablon e-kursu do zajęć - 2020 - Przykładowe zasoby i aktywności - private copy Yuki Sueoka
e-Learning Courses -
Computer Aided Design ERASMUS, sem. II _2018/19
e-Learning Courses -
Computer Aided Maintnance of the Stock of Machines -DaPE 2022/23
e-Learning Courses -
Fundamentals of Machine Design I - 2024-2025 - Computer laboratory
e-Learning Courses -
The concept of experience marketing - examples of practical application (PG_00059626), W, International Design Engineer, sem. 2, zimowy 2024/25
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of the course is to familiarize students with the concept of experience marketing, which is increasingly an obligatory basis for innovative marketing strategies of enterprises, and to show the practical application of this idea (experience management, strategic experience modules, mapping of customer and employee journeys).
The concept of experience marketing - examples of practical application (PG_0005962), W, International Design Engineer, sem. 2, zimowy 2023/24
e-Learning CoursesCelem przedmiotu jest zaznajomienie studentów z koncepcją marketingu doświadczeń, będącego coraz częściej obligatoryjną podstawą innowacyjnych strategii marketingowych przedsiębiorstw oraz ukazanie praktycznego zastosowania niniejszej idei (zarządzanie doświadczeniami, strategiczne moduły doświadczeń, mapowanie podróży klienta i pracownika firmy). The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the concept of experience...
Kalman filters and stochastic control - winter 2024/2025 kopia 1
e-Learning CoursesThe lecture focusses on designing of Kalman filters and stochastic control of dynamic systems.
Anna Soczyńska, Polish course for Erasmus, sem. 1, 22/23l
e-Learning Courses -
Anna Soczyńska, Polish course for Erasmus, sem. 2, 22/23l
e-Learning Courses -
Computer Aided Manufacturing Systems, PG_00054486, Summer semester 2021/2022
e-Learning CoursesGetting acquainted with the subject of computer-aided manufacturing as well as with the tendencies inmodern manufacturing
TOO4TO Course Module: Circular Economy, Economics & Sustainability, Sustainable Production
e-Learning Courses -
Joanna Olszewska , Swedish interdepartmental course 2 sem., 23/24 L
e-Learning Courses -
Joanna Olszewska , Swedish interdepartmental course 1 sem., 23/24 Z
e-Learning Courses -
Anna Soczyńska, Polish course for Erasmus, Thursday, sem.1, 22/23z
e-Learning Courses -
Anna Soczyńska, Polish course for Erasmus, Tuesday,sem.1, 21/22l
e-Learning Courses -
Supplementary Course in Higher Physics DPE tutorial (PG_00056611) zima 21/22
e-Learning Courses -
Anna Soczyńska, Polish course for Erasmus, Beginner,sem.1, 21/22l
e-Learning Courses -
Anna Soczyńska, Polish course for Erasmus, Tuesday,sem.1, 23/24z
e-Learning Courses -
Anna Soczyńska, Polish course for Erasmus, Monday, sem.2, 23/24l
e-Learning Courses -
Anna Soczyńska, Polish course for Erasmus, Thursday ,sem.1, 23/24l
e-Learning Courses -
Anna Soczyńska, Polish course for Erasmus, Tuesday,sem.1, 23/24l
e-Learning Courses -
Desiging e-learning courses and distance learning (level 1. certified course)
e-Learning Courses -
Szkolenie z regulaminu studiów oraz praw i obowiązków studenta/Training concerning study regulations, student rights and responsibilities 2022/2023
e-Learning Courses -
Szkolenie z regulaminu studiów oraz praw i obowiązków studenta/Training concerning study regulations, student rights and responsibilities 2023/2024
e-Learning Courses