


  • Nutrient removal in municipal wastewater treatment

    e-Learning Courses
    • E. Zaborowska

    This series of lectures and interactive teaching sessions will cover all the important aspects of nutrient removal in municipal wastewater treatment. There will be five sessions. The topics of the sessions are: 1) Nutrient removal – why, how and what has been achieved?; 2) Biological treatment processes and conventional nitrogen removal; 3) Shortcut nitrogen removal processes and climate implication of nitrogen removal; 4) Biological...


    e-Learning Courses
    • I. E. Kłosowska-Chomiczewska

    The aim of the course is to learn the characteristics of different types of wastewater depending on their origin (industrial sector) as well as introduce the commonly used technologies for removing pollutants from wastewater and get to know an alternative methods. Another goal is to understand the problems of management of sewage sludge generated in municipal wastewater treatment plants and industrial plants.

  • 2022 Wastewater Treatment and Disposal of Sewage Sludge

    e-Learning Courses
    • I. E. Kłosowska-Chomiczewska

    The aim of the course is to learn the characteristics of different types of wastewater depending on their origin (e.g. industrial sector) as well as to introduce the commonly used technologies for removing pollutants from wastewater and get familiar with alternative methods. Another goal is to understand the problems of management of sewage sludge generated in municipal wastewater treatment plants and industrial plants.


    e-Learning Courses
    • H. Al-Hazmi

    The course on Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal provides a comprehensive understanding of the principles, practices, and technologies involved in managing water resources effectively. It covers both the supply side, focusing on the provision of clean and safe drinking water, and the disposal side, addressing the treatment and management of wastewater to minimize environmental impact. Key Topics Covered: 1. Introduction to...

  • Reliability of Structures

    e-Learning Courses

    Reliability of Structures, 2nd grade studies, Civil Engineering

  • Automation of Technological Processes 2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Fiertek
    • P. A. Kaczmarek

    Kurs do wykładu i seminarium z przedmiotu "Automation of Technological Process", II stopień studiów, sem. letni 2024

  • Automation of Technological Processes 2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Fiertek
    • P. A. Kaczmarek

    Kurs do wykładu i seminarium z przedmiotu "Automation of Technological Process", II stopień studiów, sem. letni 2023

  • Wastewater Engineering 2021/22 (Environmental Engineering, II stopnia, stacjonarne, II semestr))

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Czerwionka
    • J. Mąkinia

    Wastewater sources and flows Wastewater characterization based on physical and biodegradation criteria Preliminary treatment unit operations (screens, grit chambers, primary clarifiers) Biological processes (suspended growth vs. attached growth, hybrid systems, granular sludge) for wastewater treatment Principles of biological nutrient removal (nitrification, denitrification, enhanced biological P removal, anammox) Implementation...

  • Wastewater Engineering 2022/23 (Environmental Engineering, II stopnia, stacjonarne, II semestr))

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Czerwionka
    • J. Mąkinia

    Wastewater sources and flows Wastewater characterization based on physical and biodegradation criteria Preliminary treatment unit operations (screens, grit chambers, primary clarifiers) Biological processes (suspended growth vs. attached growth, hybrid systems, granular sludge) for wastewater treatment Principles of biological nutrient removal (nitrification, denitrification, enhanced biological P removal, anammox) Implementation...

  • Wastewater Engineering 2023/24 (Environmental Engineering, II stopnia, stacjonarne, II semestr)

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Mąkinia

    Wastewater sources and flows Wastewater characterization based on physical and biodegradation criteria Preliminary treatment unit operations (screens, grit chambers, primary clarifiers) Biological processes (suspended growth vs. attached growth, hybrid systems, granular sludge) for wastewater treatment Principles of biological nutrient removal (nitrification, denitrification, enhanced biological P removal, anammox) Implementation...

  • Wastewater Engineering 2020/21 (Environmental Engineering, II stopnia, stacjonarne, II semestr))

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Czerwionka
    • J. Mąkinia

    Wastewater sources and flows Wastewater characterization based on physical and biodegradation criteria Preliminary treatment unit operations (screens, grit chambers, primary clarifiers) Biological processes (suspended growth vs. attached growth, hybrid systems, granular sludge) for wastewater treatment. Principles of biological nutrient removal (nitrification, denitrification, enhanced biological P removal,  anammox). Implementation...

  • 2021/2022_LATO Automation of Technological Processes

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Fiertek
    • P. A. Kaczmarek

    Kurs do wykładu i seminarium z przedmiotu "Automation of Technological Process", II stopień studiów, sem. letni 2021

  • Superconductivity and superconducting compounds

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. J. Winiarski

  • Reliability of Structures - 3rd semester, Civil Engineering - Nowy

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Skowronek

    Reliability of Structures, 2nd grade studies, Civil Engineering

  • RELIABILITY sem. III Summer 2023/24 kopia 2

    e-Learning Courses

    Reliability of Structures, 2nd grade studies, Civil Engineering

  • Fluid-flow machinery - Wykład

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Głuch

    Student poznaje zasady funkcjonowania maszyn wirnikowych, ich rolę w układach energetycznych   Basic knowledge of turbomachinery principle of operation and turbomachinery enrgy power plants

  • Fluid Flow Machinery

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Kosowski

    Podstawowe informacje dotyczące obiegów cieplnych siłowni z turbinami parowymi i gazowymi. Główne elementy siłowni turbinowych. Zagadnienia przepływowe  maszyn wirnikowych. Teoria stopni turbinowych. Część przepływowa turbin.

  • Fluid Flow Machinery

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Kosowski

    Podstawowe informacje dotyczące obiegów cieplnych siłowni z turbinami parowymi i gazowymi. Główne elementy siłowni turbinowych. Zagadnienia przepływowe  maszyn wirnikowych. Teoria stopni turbinowych. Część przepływowa turbin.

  • Reliability of Structures - 3rd semester, Civil Engineering - Winter Semester 2024/25

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Winkelmann
    • M. Skowronek

    Reliability of Structures, 2nd grade studies, Civil Engineering

  • Design and automation of technological processes, PG_00043714

    e-Learning Courses
    • B. Ścibiorski

  • Numerical methods in heat and fluid flow, PG_00057408

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Ziółkowski

    Reiteration of information on thermodynamic cycles and extension of information on their modelling using commercial software tools. Presentation of balances, constitutive equations, how to set up conditions in CFD type codes. Equipment regulation and control in the context of heat exchangers.Presentation of the computational capabilities of the CFD calculation code ANSYS Fluent. Mass, momentum and energy balances in 0D and 3D terms.Analysis...

  • Water Treatment 2022/2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • E. Bączkowska
    • K. Jankowska

  • WATER TREATMENT 2023/2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • E. Bączkowska
    • K. Jankowska

  • WATER TREATMENT 2024/2025

    e-Learning Courses
    • E. Bączkowska
    • K. Jankowska

  • Reliability Based zoptimization 2023/24

    e-Learning Courses

  • Numerical methods in heat and fluid flow

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Ziółkowski

    Przedmiot odnosi się do bilansu masy pędu i energii w ujęciu 0D i 3D.

  • Numerical methods in heat and fluid flow

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Ziółkowski

      Presentation of issues concerning mathematical modelling of power installations, including thermodynamic cycles and selected devices of power installations using commercial codes, so that the student is able to properly model the process and interpret the results. Presentation of capabilities of CFD code.  

  • Numerical methods in heat and fluid flow

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Amiri
    • J. Barański

    Przedstawienie zagadnień dotyczących modelowania urządzeń instalacji energetycznych, w tym obiegów cieplnych termodynamicznych oraz wybranych urządzeń instalacji energetycznych przy użyciu kodów komercyjnych. Przedstawienie możliwości obliczeniowych kodu obliczeniowego typu CFD.

  • [ILiT, IŚGiE] Reliability-Based Optimization (RBO)

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Górski
    • K. Winkelmann
    • M. Skowronek

  • [NCh, ICh] Physical Chemistry of Organic Compounds in Natural Waters

    e-Learning Courses

    {mlang pl} Dyscyplina: Nauki chemiczne Zajęcia obieralne dla doktorantów Prowadzący:  prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Górecki Liczba godzin: 15   {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: Chemical science Elective course for  PhD students Academic teacher: prof. dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Górecki Total hours of training: 15 teaching hours {mlang}

  • Corporate Governance summer term 2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • L. Segreto

  • WATER TREATMENT 2023/2024 kopia 1

    e-Learning Courses

  • WATER TREATMENT 2023/2024 kopia 2

    e-Learning Courses

  • Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal - Nowy - Nowy

    e-Learning Courses
    • H. Al-Hazmi
    • E. Wojciechowska

    Kurs jest przeznaczony dla studentów 1 semestru studiów II stopnia stacjonarnych w języku angielskim - specjalność Environmental Engineering. Kurs ma na celu zapoznanie studentów z zagadnieniami dotyczącymi zasobów wodnych, ujęć i uzdatniania wody, odbioru, transportu i zagospodarowania ścieków i wód opadowych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem rozwiązań zdecentralizowanych ( retencja i rozsączanie wód opadowych, rozwiązania kanalizacji...

  • Wastewater and water quality control 2023/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • I. E. Kłosowska-Chomiczewska
    • W. Hewelt-Belka
    • A. Pacyna-Kuchta

  • Wastewater and water quality control 2022/23

    e-Learning Courses
    • I. E. Kłosowska-Chomiczewska
    • W. Hewelt-Belka

  • Fundamentals of Machinery Operation and Power Engineering Devices, PG_00042101

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Puzdrowska

    Specjalność: Energy Technologies (WOiO), I stopnia - inżynierskie, stacjonarne, 2018/2019 - zimowy (obecnie sem. 4) Specjalność: Energy Technologies (WM), I stopnia - inżynierskie, stacjonarne, 2018/2019 - zimowy (obecnie sem. 4) Specjalność: Energy Technologies (WEiA), I stopnia - inżynierskie, stacjonarne, 2018/2019 - zimowy (obecnie sem. 4)

  • Organisation Science - winter term 22/23

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Popowska

    This course is intended for students of the first semester of Bachelor in Management  program at the Faculty of Management and Economics.

  • Organisation Science - winter term 24/25

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. M. Popowska

    This course is intended for students of the first semester of Bachelor in Management  program at the Faculty of Management and Economics.

  • Organisation Science - winter term 23/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. M. Popowska
    • M. Mustafayev

    This course is intended for students of the first semester of Bachelor in Management  program at the Faculty of Management and Economics.

  • 2022 Water treatment for consumption and industrial purposes

    e-Learning Courses
    • I. E. Kłosowska-Chomiczewska


    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Popowska

    The aim of the course is to acquaint students with entrepreneurship as a phenomenon,  increase their pro-entrepreneurial attitudes and develop skills necessary in entrepreneurship process. Special emphasis will be placed on fashion business as representing creative industry. The main objectives are as follows: Learn how to prepare a business model canvas and business plan. Know the backstage of the fashion industry. Identify...


    e-Learning Courses
    • M. M. Popowska

    The aim of the course is to acquaint students with entrepreneurship as a phenomenon,  increase their pro-entrepreneurial attitudes and develop skills necessary in entrepreneurship process. Special emphasis will be placed on fashion business as representing creative industry. The main objectives are as follows: Learn how to prepare a business model canvas and business plan. Know the backstage of the fashion industry. Identify...

  • [ILiT, IŚGiE] Reliability-Based Optimization (RBO) - 2022/23

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Górski
    • K. Winkelmann
    • M. Skowronek

  • [ILiT, IŚGiE] Reliability-Based Optimization (RBO) - 2023/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Górski
    • K. Winkelmann
    • M. Skowronek

  • Numerical Modelling in flow systems design_W/S_Energetyka_sem6_lato 23/24_PG_00042087

    e-Learning Courses
    • T. Muszyński

    Przedstawienie podstaw modelowania komputerowego procesów mających zastosowanie w technice cieplnej tak aby słuchacz był w stanie zrozumieć i zinterpretować wyniki otrzymane przy pomocy kodów obliczeniowych

  • Economics and Organisation of Enterprises - winter term 22/23

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Popowska

    This course is intended for students of the first semester of Data Engineering (inter-faculty program in English)

  • Economics and Organisation of Enterprises - winter term 24/25

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. M. Popowska
    • M. Mustafayev

    This course is intended for students in the first semester of Data Engineering (inter-faculty program in English).

  • Economics and Organisation of Enterprises - winter term 23/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. M. Popowska
    • M. Mustafayev

    This course is intended for students of the first semester of Data Engineering (inter-faculty program in English)

  • Surface treatment technologies, L, DaPE, sem. 6, summer 2023/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • Ł. Pawłowski