Search results for: pedagogy
total: 52
filtered: 26
Search results for: pedagogy
Journals -
Journal of Pedagogy
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Dialogic Pedagogy
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Writing & Pedagogy
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Radical Pedagogy
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Journal of Pedagogy
Journals -
Pedagogy, Culture and Society
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Technology, Pedagogy and Education
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Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy
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Pedagogy and Psychology of Sport
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Pedagogy in Health Promotion
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Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy
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Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy
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International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy
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Pedagogika Rodziny. Family Pedagogy
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International Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum
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Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy
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International Journal of Critical Pedagogy
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Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports
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Review of Education, Pedagogy & Cultural Studies
Journals -
Scientific Bulletin of Chełm - Section of Pedagogy
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International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies
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International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design
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Studia Pedagogiczno-Artystyczne (Studies in Pedagogy and Fine Arts)
Journals -
Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition and Culture
Journals -
Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University. Series «Pedagogy and Psychology» [ Вісник Дніпропетровського університету імені альфреда Нобеля. Серія «Педагогіка та психологія» ]