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Antifungal activity of propolis extracts produced with deep eutectic solvents.
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of our investigation aiming in determination of antimicrobial potential of the propolis extracts produced with deep eutectic solvents. The activity was determined against C. albicans and C. glabarat strains. On the basis of these results MIC values can be calculated. Three samples of propolis were tested.
Hydrogen bonding part sigma profile of deep eutectic solvents and pure components
Open Research DataThe set includes raw data of hydrogen bonding part sigma profiles of deep eutectic solvents and pure components generated by the ADF COSMO-RS software (SCM, Netherlands).
Selection of DES for biotrickling filtration of air polluted with hexane and cyclohexane
Open Research DataDataset covers selected data collected during selection of deep eutectic solvent (DES) additive to mineral salt medium (MSM) as a liquid phase during biotrickling filtration of air polluted with hexane and cyclohexane.
NADES propolis extracts - update 2023 and synthesis of derivatives of propolis ingredients
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of our investigation aiming in determination of antimicrobial potential of the propolis extracts produced with deep eutectic solvents
DES - polarity, pH and antioxidant potential
Open Research DataThis physicochemical properties of selected deep eutectic solvents (DES) were tested. Polarity is important for extraction efficiency. The values of pH can importantly affect growing of bacteria and yeasts strains. Total phenolic content, DPPH and FRAP methods were used for determination of antioxidant potential of the extract produced with DES.
Measurements of the chemical composition of LTO:Cu powders
Open Research DataLithium titanate doped by copper was measured by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS). For sol-gel synthesis lithium acetate dehydrate and titanium (IV) butoxide 97% and copper (II) nitrate from Alfa Aesar were used as a reagents. Cu precursor was added in the proper weight to get an x index equal 0, 0.1 and 0.2. In the first step lithium acetate...
Sol-gel derived lithium titanate powders measured by XPS method
Open Research DataFor sol-gel synthesis lithium acetate dehydrate from Alfa Aesar GmbH &Co and titanium (IV) butoxide 97% from Aldrich were used as reagents. Copper (II) nitrate from Alfa Aesar was used as a source of Cu dopant. It was added in the proper weight to get an x index equal 0, 0.1 and 0.2. In the first step lithium acetate and copper nitrate were dissolved...
XPS study of the lithium titanate doped by copper
Open Research DataLithium titanate doped by copper was measured by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. For sol-gel synthesis lithium acetate dehydrate from Alfa Aesar GmbH &Co and titanium (IV) butoxide 97% from Aldrich were used as reagents. Copper (II) nitrate from Alfa Aesar was used as a source of Cu dopant. It was added in the proper weight to get an x index equal...