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Search results for: MONTE-CARLO SIMULATION
Monte Carlo method for numerical examination of coherent and partially coherent light scattering
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Metrology and Optoelectronics according to UMO-2014/15/N/ST7/04903 agreement from 2015-08-04
Zaawansowane Metody Symulacyjne dla Oceny Ekspozycji na Pole Elektromagnetyczne / Advanced Simulation Methods for Electromagnetic Exposure Assessment
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics according to Homing Plus/2011-3/9 agreement from 2011-10-14
EUMaster4HPC HPC EuRopean ConsortiUm Leading Education activities
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Computer Architecture
Arrowhead Tools Arrowhead Tools for Engineering of Digitalisation Solutions
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Microwave and Antenna Engineering according to 826452 agreement from 2019-05-10