Search results for: FIRE PREVENTION - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: FIRE PREVENTION

Search results for: FIRE PREVENTION

  • The innovative approach for using pavement as a fire prevention measure in tunnels


    The paper consists of two main parts: first presents study regarding the typically used pavement structures in tunnels and the second part: the first fire trials of the poroelastic SEPOR (Safe, Eco-friendly POroelastic Road Surface) mixture which was designed to be used among other uses in tunnels. In the first part of the paper different pavement materials, such as cement concrete, asphalt concrete, stone mastic asphalt and porous...

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  • Fire-induced spalling of ultra-high performance concrete: A systematic critical review



    Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) is a novel concrete class characterized by a compressive strength of more than 150 MPa. One of the most significant drawbacks of employing UHPC is that is very low permeability owing to its great compactness of dense structure increases the risk of fire-induced spalling. It is challenging for fire safety and structural engineers to predict and analyze this issue due to the lack of widely accepted...

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  • Mariusz Jaczewski dr inż.

  • Klaudia Skelnik dr


    dr Klaudia Skelnik Prodziekan Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Gdańsku, doktor nauk społecznych w dyscyplinie nauki o bezpieczeństwie, absolwent studiów MBA zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem, mgr politologii w specjalizacji ustrojowo-samorządowej, posiadająca podyplomowe wykształcenie wyższe w zakresie prawa Unii Europejskiej, Edukacji dla bezpieczeństwa, Bezpieczeństwa i Higiena Pracy oraz szereg kursów i szkoleń...