Search results for: SEMANTIC MEMORY
Semantic Memory for Avatars in Cyberspace
PublicationAvatars that show intelligent behavior should have an access to general knowledge about the world, knowledge that humans store in their semantic memories. The simplest knowledge representation for semantic memory is based on the Concept Description Vectors (CDVs) that store, for each concept, an information whether a given property can be applied to this concept or not. Unfortunately large-scale semantic memories are not available....
Information retrieval with semantic memory model
PublicationPsycholinguistic theories of semantic memory form the basis of understanding of natural language concepts. These theories are used here as an inspiration for implementing a computational model of semantic memory in the form of semantic network. Combining this network with a vector-based object-relation-feature value representation of concepts that includes also weights for confidence and support, allows for recognition of concepts...
Semantic memory architecture for knowledge acquisition and management
PublicationRozumienie informacji zawartej w tekście przez komputer wymaga wiedzy stojacej za systemem informatycznym. Wiedza ta nie jest implicite zapisanej w analizowanym tekscie. Zapisana może być ona w postaci ontologii badanej dziedziny. Zasadniczym zagadnieniem jest konstrukcja takiej ontologii. Artykuł przedstawia podeście oparte na grze 20 pytań do budowy przestrzeni semantycznej dla wybranej dziedziny.
Semantic memory knowledge acquisition through active dialogues
PublicationSzereg zagadnień językowych nie może zostać rozwiązany bez pamięci semantycznej zawierającej opisy cech obiektów, Automatyczne tworzenie tego rodzaju pamięci jest wielkim wyzwaniem nawet dla prostych obszarów dziedzinowych. Implementacja pamięci semantycznej opartej na reprezentacji wiedzy poprzez powiązania obiektu z jego cechami pokazuje ciekawe zastosowania które nie zostały dotychczas zademonstrowane poprzez bardziej wyszukane...
Knowledge representation and acquisition for large-scale semantic memory
PublicationPozyskiwanie i reprezentacja pojęć jest koniecznym warunkiem doimplementacji rozumienia w systemach kognitywnych.Gry słowne są dają interesujące możliwości pozyskiwaniawiedzy do komputerowego modelu pamięci semantycznej. W artykuleprzedstawiono podstawy architektury pamięci semantycznej orazwyniki działającego na niej algorytmu wyszukiwania kontekstowego,który użyty został do realizacji gry w 20 pytań.
Context Search Algorithm for Lexical Knowledge Acquisition
PublicationA Context Search algorithm used for lexical knowledge acquisition is presented. Knowledge representation based on psycholinguistic theories of cognitive processes allows for implementation of a computational model of semantic memory in the form of semantic network. A knowledge acquisition using supervised dialog templates have been performed in a word game designed to guess the concept a human user is thinking about. The game,...
Classification of objects in the LIDAR point clouds using Deep Neural Networks based on the PointNet model
PublicationThis work attempts to meet the challenges associated with the classification of LIDAR point clouds by means of deep learning. In addition to achieving high accuracy, the designed system should allow the classification of point clouds covering an area of several dozen square kilometers within a reasonable time interval. Therefore, it must be characterized by fast processing and efficient use of memory. Thus, the most popular approaches...
Study of Statistical Text Representation Methods for Performance Improvement of a Hierarchical Attention Network
PublicationTo effectively process textual data, many approaches have been proposed to create text representations. The transformation of a text into a form of numbers that can be computed using computers is crucial for further applications in downstream tasks such as document classification, document summarization, and so forth. In our work, we study the quality of text representations using statistical methods and compare them to approaches...
Dynamic Semantic Visual Information Management
PublicationDominant Internet search engines use keywords and therefore are not suited for exploration of new domains of knowledge, when the user does not know specific vocabulary. Browsing through articles in a large encyclopedia, each presenting a small fragment of knowledge, it is hard to map the whole domain, see relevant concepts and their relations. In Wikipedia for example some highly relevant articles are not linked with each other....