dr hab. Wojciech Wyrzykowski
- Associate professor at Department of Finance
Wojciech Wyrzykowski is an employee of the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology.
He is the author of 70 scientific publications, including 5 monographs, and co-author of 7 monographs. The most important of them reflecting the author's scientific interests include: Tax conditions for the development of entrepreneurship in Poland, Taxes in Poland - outline of the lecture, Books, records and tax registers of small entrepreneurs, Polish system of taxes and fees in outline, Balance sheet result and taxable income in the period of systemic transformation Running a business by small enterprises, Business activity in legal, economic and social aspects, Entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, enterprise, The main scientific interests focus on the analysis of legal and tax solutions in Poland and their impact on the development of entrepreneurship. He was the organizer of meetings Tax debates
Scientific interests
- Construction of the Polish tax system
- Corporate tax accounting
- Tax optimization in the enterprise
- Financial Accounting
- Tax harmonization in the EU
- Tax determinants of entrepreneurship development
Guided items
- Financial Accounting
- Elements of tax law
- Tax accounting
- Liabilities and tax proceedings
- Computer accounting
- Running a business
- Payroll taxation
Topics of theses
- Construction of the Polish tax system
- Conditions for the development of entrepreneurship
- Accounting result and tax result in the enterprise
- Principles of tax and accounting records
- Tax harmonization processes in the EU
- Optimization of the entrepreneur's tax activities
- The choice of the legal form of running a business and the taxation of the entrepreneur
- Financial accounting of enterprises
Hours and place of consultation
Mondays 10-10.45 during classes
Room 508
Email: wojwyrzy@pg.edu.pl
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