Determination of total mercury in raw petrol using cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry - Publikacja - MOST Wiedzy


Determination of total mercury in raw petrol using cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry


Presence of different forms of mercury in petroleum based products may impair the proper operation of the equipment or led to poisoning of automotive catalysts. However much more important problem is environmental pollution with mercury emitted from different types of fossil fuels. Although the average mercury concentration in petroleum based products (automotive fuels) is on the level around 1 ppb, taking into account annual worldwide consumption it is significant source of Hg emission. This emission contribute to decline air quality, which can have deleterious effect on human health. According to that there is necessity to develop the analytical method with potential for obtaining reliable results below 1 ng of Hg per mass of analyzed sample. In this study total mercury has been determined by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry technique, which is characterized by high precision and accuracy, high selectivity, universality and low costs of analysis. Basic validation parameters have been determined: LOD, LOQ, linearity, precision and trueness.

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Tytuł wydania:
14th International Symposium of Students and Young Mechanical Engineers :''Advances in Chemical and Mechanical Engineering''. - Vol. 1/2, Gdansk, 5th-7th May 2011 strony 18 - 20
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Opis bibliograficzny:
Bajger-Nowak G., Konieczka P., Namieśnik J.: Determination of total mercury in raw petrol using cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry// 14th International Symposium of Students and Young Mechanical Engineers :''Advances in Chemical and Mechanical Engineering''. - Vol. 1/2, Gdansk, 5th-7th May 2011/ ed. ed. C. Fijało. Faculty Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Faculty Gdansk University of Technology. Gdańsk: , 2011, s.18-20
Politechnika Gdańska

wyświetlono 76 razy

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