prof. zw. dr hab. inż. Bohdan Kozerski
- bkoz@pg.edu.pl
Publication showcase
Freshening of salinized groundwater in Gdańsk Quaternary aquifer
The main Quaternary aquifer in the Gdańsk region connects directly with salt waters of the Martwa Wisła River and the Gulf of Gdańsk. This aquifer has been used for many years by large municipal and industrial intakes located on the marine lowlands, with maximum output 6236 m3 /h in 1985. Owing to an intensive exploitation, groundwater in the area of the Old Gdańsk has been salinized by intrusion of salt water from the Martwa Wisła...
The changes of groundwater quality of the ''Czarny Dwór'' intake as a result of the aquifer vulnerability
The "Czarny Dwór" groundwater intake is one of the main sources of water for Gdańsk. It is situated on the Marine Terrace and exploits mainly Quaternary aquifer, but also Tertiary and Cretaceous. The water is generally of good quality although some undesirable changes were observed in the Quaternary aquifer during almost 40 years of exploitation. The changes are caused by developing urbanization, former high pumping rates and...
Region wschodniopomorski.
Pełna charakterystyka fizjograficzna regionu wschodniopomorskiego. Opis warunków klimatycznych, hydrologicznych, budowy geologicznej i warunków występowania wód podziemnych. Ocena warunków krążenia wód podziemnych i ich składu chemicznego. Opis jednostek i wydzieleń hydrogeologicznych. Ocena zagrożenia wód podziemnych i możliwości gospodarowania ich zasobami.
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