dr inż. Adam Dziekoński
total: 24
Catalog Publications
Year 2018
A GPU Solver for Sparse Generalized Eigenvalue Problems with Symmetric Complex-Valued Matrices Obtained Using Higher-Order FEM
PublicationThe paper discusses a fast implementation of the stabilized locally optimal block preconditioned conjugate gradient (sLOBPCG) method, using a hierarchical multilevel preconditioner to solve nonHermitian sparse generalized eigenvalue problems with large symmetric complex-valued matrices obtained using the higher-order finite-element method (FEM), applied to the analysis of a microwave resonator. The resonant frequencies of the low-order...
A Stabilized Complex LOBPCG Eigensolver for the Analysis of Moderately Lossy EM Structures
PublicationThis letter proposes a stabilized locally optimal block preconditioned conjugate gradient method for computing selected eigenvalues for complex symmetric generalized non-Hermitian eigenproblems. Effectiveness of the presented approach is demonstrated for a moderately lossy dual-mode dielectric resonator, modeled using finite-element method with higher order elements
Block Conjugate Gradient Method with Multilevel Preconditioning and GPU Acceleration for FEM Problems in Electromagnetics
PublicationIn this paper a GPU-accelerated block conjugate gradient solver with multilevel preconditioning is presented for solving large system of sparse equations with multiple right hand-sides (RHSs) which arise in the finite-element analysis of electromagnetic problems. We demonstrate that blocking reduces the time to solution significantly and allows for better utilization of the computing power of GPUs, especially when the system matrix...
Single and Dual-GPU Generalized Sparse Eigenvalue Solvers for Finding a Few Low-Order Resonances of a Microwave Cavity Using the Finite-Element Method
PublicationThis paper presents two fast generalized eigenvalue solvers for sparse symmetric matrices that arise when electromagnetic cavity resonances are investigated using the higher-order finite element method (FEM). To find a few loworder resonances, the locally optimal block preconditioned conjugate gradient (LOBPCG) algorithm with null-space deflation is applied. The computations are expedited by using one or two graphical processing...
Year 2017
Communication and Load Balancing Optimization for Finite Element Electromagnetic Simulations Using Multi-GPU Workstation
PublicationThis paper considers a method for accelerating finite-element simulations of electromagnetic problems on a workstation using graphics processing units (GPUs). The focus is on finite-element formulations using higher order elements and tetrahedral meshes that lead to sparse matrices too large to be dealt with on a typical workstation using direct methods. We discuss the problem of rapid matrix generation and assembly, as well as...
GPU-Accelerated 3D Mesh Deformation for Optimization Based on the Finite Element Method
PublicationThis paper discusses a strategy for speeding up the mesh deformation process in the design-byoptimization of high-frequency components involving electromagnetic field simulations using the 3D finite element method (FEM). The mesh deformation is assumed to be described by a linear elasticity model of a rigid body; therefore, each time the shape of the device is changed, an auxiliary elasticity finite-element problem must be solved....
GPU-Accelerated LOBPCG Method with Inexact Null-Space Filtering for Solving Generalized Eigenvalue Problems in Computational Electromagnetics Analysis with Higher-Order FEM
PublicationThis paper presents a GPU-accelerated implementation of the Locally Optimal Block Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (LOBPCG) method with an inexact nullspace filtering approach to find eigenvalues in electromagnetics analysis with higherorder FEM. The performance of the proposed approach is verified using the Kepler (Tesla K40c) graphics accelerator, and is compared to the performance of the implementation based on functions from...
Year 2016
Akceleracja metody elementów skończonych przy użyciu procesora graficznego
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia rezultaty akceleracji obliczeń metody elementów skończonych z użyciem procesora graficznego. Dzięki zastosowaniu masowo zrównoleglonych obliczeń na procesorze graficznym dwóch najbardziej kosztownych obliczeniowo etapów generacji macierzy współczynników i rozwiązywania układu równań przy użyciu metody gradientów sprzężonych z wielopoziomowym prekondycjonerem o schemacie V udało się pięciokrotnie skrócić czas...
GPU-accelerated finite element method
PublicationIn this paper the results of the acceleration of computations involved in analysing electromagnetic problems by means of the finite element method (FEM), obtained with graphics processors (GPU), are presented. A 4.7-fold acceleration was achieved thanks to the massive parallelization of the most time-consuming steps of FEM, namely finite-element matrix-generation and the solution of a sparse system of linear equations with the...
Year 2015
A Task-Scheduling Approach for Efficient Sparse Symmetric Matrix-Vector Multiplication on a GPU
PublicationIn this paper, a task-scheduling approach to efficiently calculating sparse symmetric matrix-vector products and designed to run on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) is presented. The main premise is that, for many sparse symmetric matrices occurring in common applications, it is possible to obtain significant reductions in memory usage and improvements in performance when the matrix is prepared in certain ways prior to computation....
Optymalizacja wydajności obliczeniowej metody elementów skończonych w architekturze CUDA
PublicationCelem niniejszej rozprawy oraz stypendium odbytego w ramach projektu było opracowanie numerycznie efektywnego rozwiązania algorytmicznego i sprzętowego, które umożliwia przyspieszenie analizy problemów elektromagnetycznych metodą elementów skończonych (MES) z funkcjami bazowymi wysokiego rzędu. Metoda elementów skończonych w dziedzinie częstotliwości stanowi wydajne i uniwersalne narzędzie analizy układów mikrofalowych (rys....
Year 2014
GPU-Accelerated Finite-Element Matrix Generation for Lossless, Lossy, and Tensor Media [EM Programmer's Notebook]
PublicationThis paper presents an optimization approach for limiting memory requirements and enhancing the performance of GPU-accelerated finite-element matrix generation applied in the implementation of the higher-order finite-element method (FEM). It emphasizes the details of the implementation of the matrix-generation algorithm for the simulation of electromagnetic wave propagation in lossless, lossy, and tensor media. Moreover, the impact...
Year 2013
Generation of large finite-element matrices on multiple graphics processors
PublicationThis paper presents techniques for generating very large finite-element matrices on a multicore workstation equipped with several graphics processing units (GPUs). To overcome the low memory size limitation of the GPUs, and at the same time to accelerate the generation process, we propose to generate the large sparse linear systems arising in finite-element analysis in an iterative manner on several GPUs and to use the graphics...
Year 2012
Accuracy, Memory and Speed Strategies in GPU-based Finite-Element Matrix-Generation
PublicationThis paper presents strategies on how to optimize GPU-based finite-element matrix-generation that occurs in the finite-element method (FEM) using higher order curvilinear elements. The goal of the optimization is to increase the speed of evaluation and assembly of large finite-element matrices on a single GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) while maintaining the accuracy of numerical integration at the desired level. For this reason,...
Finite element matrix generation on a GPU
PublicationThis paper presents an efficient technique for fast generation of sparse systems of linear equations arising in computational electromagnetics in a finite element method using higher order elements. The proposed approach employs a graphics processing unit (GPU) for both numerical integration and matrix assembly. The performance results obtained on a test platform consisting of a Fermi GPU (1x Tesla C2075) and a CPU (2x twelve-core...
Multi-core and Multiprocessor Implementation of Numerical Integration in Finite Element Method
PublicationThe paper presents techniques for accelerating a numerical integration process which appears in the Finite Element Method. The acceleration is achieved by taking advantages of multi-core and multiprocessor devices. It is shown that using multi-core implementation with OpenMP and a GPU acceleration using CUDA architecture allows one to achieve the speedups by a factor of 5 and 10 on a CPU and GPUs, respectively.
Year 2011
A memory efficient and fast sparse matrix vector product on a Gpu
PublicationThis paper proposes a new sparse matrix storage format which allows an efficient implementation of a sparse matrix vector product on a Fermi Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Unlike previous formats it has both low memory footprint and good throughput. The new format, which we call Sliced ELLR-T has been designed specifically for accelerating the iterative solution of a large sparse and complex-valued system of linear equations arising...
GPU Acceleration of Multilevel Solvers for Analysis of Microwave Components With Finite Element Method
PublicationThe letter discusses a fast implementation of the conjugate gradient iterative method with ${rm E}$-field multilevel preconditioner applied to solving real symmetric and sparse systems obtained with vector finite element method. In order to accelerate computations, a graphics processing unit (GPU) was used and significant speed-up (2.61 fold) was achieved comparing to a central processing unit (CPU) based approach. These results...
Tuning a Hybrid GPU-CPU V-Cycle Multilevel Preconditioner for Solving Large Real and Complex Systems of FEM Equations
PublicationThis letter presents techniques for tuning an accelerated preconditioned conjugate gradient solver with a multilevel preconditioner. The solver is optimized for a fast solution of sparse systems of equations arising in computational electromagnetics in a finite element method using higher-order elements. The goal of the tuning is to increase the throughput while at the same time reducing the memory requirements in order to allow...
Year 2010
Jacobi and gauss-seidel preconditioned complex conjugate gradient method with GPU acceleration for finite element method
PublicationIn this paper two implementations of iterative solvers for solving complex symmetric and sparse systems resulting from finite element method applied to wave equation are discussed. The problem under investigation is a dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) discretized by FEM with vector elements of the second order (LT/QN). The solvers use the preconditioned conjugate gradient (pcg) method implemented on Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)...
Krylov Space Iterative Solvers on Graphics Processing Units
PublicationCUDA architecture was introduced by Nvidia three years ago and since then there have been many promising publications demonstrating a huge potential of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) in scientific computations. In this paper, we investigate the performance of iterative methods such as cg, minres, gmres, bicg that may be used to solve large sparse real and complex systems of equations arising in computational electromagnetics.
Tuning matrix-vector multiplication on GPU
PublicationA matrix times vector multiplication (matvec) is a cornerstone operation in iterative methods of solving large sparse systems of equations such as the conjugate gradients method (cg), the minimal residual method (minres), the generalized residual method (gmres) and exerts an influence on overall performance of those methods. An implementation of matvec is particularly demanding when one executes computations on a GPU (Graphics...
Year 2009
How to render FDTD computations more effective using agraphics accelerator.
PublicationGraphics processing units (GPUs) for years have been dedicated mostly to real time rendering. Recently leading GPU manufactures have extended their research area and decided to support also graphics computing. In this paper, we describe an impact of new GPU features on development process of an efficient finite difference time domain (FDTD) implementation.
Year 2008
Implementation of matrix-type FDTD algorithm on a graphics accelerator
PublicationArtykuł prezetuje implementację algorytmu FDTD w postaci macierzowej przeznaczonej dla kart graficznych. Wykazany został wzrost efektywności obliczeń numerycznych w odniesieniu do implementacji przeznaczonej dla procesora komputerowego.
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