dr inż. Aleksandra Teresa Wiśniewska
- Profesor uczelni ze stop. nauk. dr at Institute of Manufacturing and Materials Technology
- Vice-Dean for Education at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology
Research fields
Business contact
- Location
- Al. Zwycięstwa 27, 80-219 Gdańsk
- Phone
- +48 58 348 62 62
- biznes@pg.edu.pl
Social media
- alewisni2@pg.edu.pl
Profesor uczelni ze stop. nauk. dr
- Institute of Manufacturing and Materials Technology
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology
- Workplace
Budynek M-T
room 224 open in new tab - alewisni2@pg.edu.pl
Vice-Dean for Education
- Workplace
Budynek M-T
room 224 open in new tab
Publication showcase
Simulation studies into quayside transport and storage yard operations in container terminals
The focus of the paper is on quayside transport and storage yard operations in the sea container terminals. Developed algorithms for solving the issues of load handling and storage space allocation have been applied in the frame of adopted simulation model. The criteria chosen for decision making involved the total makespan of vessel unloading and the utilisation levels of the transportation trucks. Recommendations for unloading...
The Big Book of online education for academics and other teaching professionals
The Big Book of Online Education to unikatowa, bogata w multimedia publikacja, napisana przez międzynarodowy zespół autorów – ekspertów w dziedzinie metodyki, nowoczesnej edukacji i e-learningu. Znajdziemy w niej mnóstwo porad, inspiracji i informacji o narzędziach użytecznych w dydaktyce, oraz przykładów zastosowania innowacyjnych metod i technik w praktyce akademickiej. Jest to najbogatsza tego typu pozycja na rynku poradników...
A Strategy for Managing the Operation of Technical Infrastructure Based on the Analysis of “Bad Actors”—A Case Study of LOTOS Group S.A.
The article covers issues related to the selection of a management strategy for the operation of technical infrastructure. It contains the approaches, methodology and a general model of the system of operation of the Maintenance Services of the LOTOS Group production company, which is an example of a large oil concern. Nowadays, an increasing aspect is put on the efficiency of individual repair processes, as well as the operation...
Obtained scientific degrees/titles
Obtained science degree
dr inż. Mechanical engineering (Technology)
seen 2163 times