mgr Anita Mieszkowska
- Senior lecturer at Language Center
Research fields
- No data
e-Learning courses
Ewa Wawoczna, FTiMS, Nanotechnologia, I st. 4 sem, 20/21 L
Anita Mieszkowska , WZiE (Zarządzanie) VI sem., 22/23l
Biotechnologia VI sem. - Egzamin z języka angielskiego B2 – 20.06.2022
Anita Mieszkowska, WIMiO (Bud. Maszyn + ZiP) III sem., 22/23 z
3. E. Wawoczna, WZiE, Zarządzanie i Ekonomia I st., 6 semestr, 2021/2022 L
E. Wawoczna, WCH II st, 2 semestr, 2021/2022 z
Anita Mieszkowska,WEiA (Elektrotechnika) III sem., 22/23 z
Automatyka i Robotyka V sem (WEiA) - Egzamin z języka angielskiego B2 – 31.01.2022
Nanotechnologia V sem (WFTiMS) - Egzamin z języka angielskiego B2 – 31.01.2022
Anita Mieszkowska, WIMiO (Bud. Maszyn + ZiP) II sem., 22/23 l
Anita Mieszkowska , WZiE (Zarządzanie) VI sem. ns, 22/23l
Ewa Wawoczna, WZiE, Zarządzanie, I st, 6 semestr, 20/21 L
Anita Mieszkowska , WILiŚ (tr.) V sem. , 2022/2023
Anita Mieszkowska , WZiE (Zarządzanie) III sem. ns, 22/23z
Anita Mieszkowska , WZiE (Zarządzanie) V sem. ns 22/23 z
Anita Mieszkowska WIMiO (IMM+MCHTR) II sem. 22/23l
J. Pawlak-Mikuć5, WZiE, I st, 5 sem, 22/23z
Anita Mieszkowska, ETI (Tel) , I st. II sem. 2022/2023l
Anita Mieszkowska, WILiŚ (bud.) I sem., 22/23 z
Egzamin z języka polskiego B2 – 20.06.2022
Anita Mieszkowska WZiE (Zarządzanie) II st. III sem. ns 22/23l
B2 exam practice
Anita Mieszkowska, WILiŚ (bud.) III sem., 22/23 z
E. Wawoczna, WEiA, Elektrotechnika, Ist., 5 sem, 2021/2022 z
Anita Mieszkowska Język polski B2 (gr. międzywydziałowa) 22/23z
Anita Mieszkowska,WEiA (Elektrotechnika) IV sem., 22/23 l
Anita Mieszkowska, WIMiO (Bud. Maszyn + ZiP) IV sem., 22/23 l
Ewa Wawoczna, WCH, Biotechnologia, I st, 6 semestr, 20/21 L
Geodezja i Kartografia VI sem. - Egzamin z języka angielskiego B2 – 20.06.2022
Egzamin z języka polskiego B2 – 16.06.2021
Anita Mieszkowska Język polski B2 (gr. międzywydziałowa) 22/23l
Anita Mieszkowska, POLISH , ETI II st. I sem., 22/23z
Anita Mieszkowska, WILiŚ (bud.) II sem., 22/23 l
E. Wawoczna, WFTiMS, Nanotechnologia I st., 5 sem, 2021/2022 z
Anita Mieszkowska, WILiŚ (bud.) IV sem., 22/23 l
ZiE - Analityka Gospodarcza IV sem. - Egzamin z języka angielskiego B2 – 16.06.2021
Anita Mieszkowska WZiE (Zarządzanie) II st. II sem. ns 22/23z
Anita Mieszkowska , WETI , POLTECH , 22/23 l
Anita Mieszkowska, ETI (Tel) , III sem. 2022/2023z
Monitoring - archiwum - semestr letni 2020/2021
Anita Mieszkowska j. polski, s.letni - Kopia
Anita Mieszkowska, WIMiO (Bud. Maszyn + ZiP) V sem., 22/23 z
E. Wawoczna, WETI, ELEKTRONIKA I TELEKOMUNIKACJA, I st, 5 sem, 2022/23 z
Anita Mieszkowska, WIMiO (Bud. Maszyn + ZiP) II sem., 24/25 l
Anita Mieszkowska WIMiO (MCHTR) IV sem. 23/24 l
Anita Mieszkowska,WEiA III sem., 23/24z
A. Mieszkowska ,WEiA 2
Conducted classes
Polish language
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Stream: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Civil Engineering
Język polski IV
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Field of study: Automatic Control, Cybernetics and Robotics
Field of study: Electronics and Telecommunications
Język polski IV
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Język polski III
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Polish language - A1
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
polish language
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechatronics
Język polski
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Automatic Control, Cybernetics and Robotics
Field of study: Informatics
Field of study: Electronics and Telecommunications
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Green Technologies and Monitoring
Specialization: 2+2 International double degree program
Język polski IV
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Język polski
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Field of study: Management
Język polski
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Electronics and Telecommunications
Field of study: Informatics
Field of study: Automatic Control, Cybernetics and Robotics
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Economic Analytics
Język polski
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechatronics
Język polski III
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Język polski II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
polish language
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechatronics
Polish language
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Biomedical Engineering
Field of study: Electronics and Telecommunications
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Field of study: Automatic Control, Cybernetics and Robotics
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Field of study: Informatics
Język polski III
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Spatial Development
Język polski III
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Język polski II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Spatial Development
Język polski II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Język polski I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Polish language - A1
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Język polski IV
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Intensive Polish Course
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Automatic Control, Cybernetics and Robotics
Field of study: Informatics
Field of study: Electronics and Telecommunications
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Język polski I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Faculty of Chemistry -
Język polski III
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
polish language
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Polish Language
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Economic Analytics
Język polski II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Język polski
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Język polski IV
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Electronics and Telecommunications
Field of study: Automatic Control, Cybernetics and Robotics
Field of study: Informatics
Intensive Polish Course
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Intensive Polish Course
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Green Technologies and Monitoring
Specialization: 2+2 International double degree program
Polish language
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Economic Analytics
Polish language
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Economic Analytics
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Green Technologies and Monitoring
Stream: Green Technologies and Monitoring
Specialization: 2+2 International double degree program
Język polski I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Polish language - A1
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering -
Polish language - A1
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Intensive Polish Course
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Polish Language
Faculty of Chemistry -
Polish Language
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Economic Analytics
Intensive Polish Course
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Język polski II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Język polski III
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Język obcy IV (polski)
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Język polski
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Electronics and Telecommunications
Field of study: Automatic Control, Cybernetics and Robotics
Field of study: Informatics
Polish (as a Foreign Language)
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics
Faculty of Chemistry -
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Polish Language
Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering -
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Field of study: Automatic Control, Cybernetics and Robotics
Field of study: Electronics and Telecommunications
Język polski I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Faculty of Chemistry -
Intensive Polish Course
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Polish Language
Language CenterField of study: Economic Analytics
Język Obcy III (Polski)
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
Język Obcy III (Polski)
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Polish (as a Foreign Language)
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Język polski
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering -
Język polski
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Faculty of Chemistry -
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Zero Semester
Faculty of Chemistry -
Polish Language
Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering -
Polish (as a Foreign Language)
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Polish (as a Foreign Language)
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering -
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Polish Language
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Polish Language
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Zero Semester
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Control Engineering and Robotics
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Electronics and Telecommunications
Polish (as a Foreign Language)
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Polish (as a Foreign Language)
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Polish (as a Foreign Language)
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Erasmus
Język Polski
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Polish (as a Foreign Language)
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Erasmus
Faculty of Management and Economics -
Polish Language
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Polish Language
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Polish Language
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Zero Semester
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Control Engineering and Robotics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Electronics and Telecommunications
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Erasmus
Polish Language
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Foreign Language I (English)
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Polish (as a Foreign Language)
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Erasmus
Polish Language
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Polish Language
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Polish (as a Foreign Language)
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Polish Language
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Faculty of Chemistry -
Polish course
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -
Foreign Language (Polish)
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
Foreign Language
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Foreign Language (Polish)
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
Polish Language
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Polish Language
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Polish (as a Foreign Language)
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Erasmus
Polish A1
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Polish beginer
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -
Foreign Language (Polish)
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Polish course
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -
Polish Language
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Faculty of Chemistry -
Polish (as a Foreign Language)
Language Center -
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Polish language
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Polish Language
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Polish Language
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Foreign Language (Polish)
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Polish (as a Foreign Language)
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
Language Center -
Polish (as a Foreign Language)
Language Center -
Foreign Language (Polish)
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
English Language - 2 - exercise
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Machinery, Power Plants and Equipment
Polish (as a Foreign Language)
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
Foreign Language (Polish)
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Polish Language
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Polish Language
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
English Language - 2 - exercise
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Polish Course
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
Polish (as a Foreign Language)
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
English Language - 3 - exercise
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Machinery, Power Plants and Equipment
English Language - 3 - exercise
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Foreign Language (Polish)
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
English Language - 1 - exercise
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Polish Language
Faculty of Management and EconomicsField of study: Management
English Language - 3 - exercise
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
English Language - 1 - exercise
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Image Processing
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics
seen 583 times