Catalog e-Learning Courses
e-learning courses starting with: W clear
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Catalog e-Learning Courses
WA - A powt - Matematyka II 2024/25 (K.Kujawska)
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WA - Arch. - e-test 2017/18
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WA - Arch. - e-test 2018/19
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WA - Architektura IV sem. - Egzamin z języka angielskiego B2 – 16.06.2021
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WA - Architektura IV sem. - Egzamin z języka angielskiego C1 – 16.06.2021
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WA - Architektura IV sem. - Wybór poziomu (sesja letnia)
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WA - Architektura sem.2 - Mathematics 2 2021/22 (M.Łapińska)
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WA - Egzamin z języka angielskiego B2 – 31.08.2020
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WA - Egzamin z języka angielskiego C1 – 31.08.2020
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WA - Gosp. Przestrz. - Matematyka I (K.Kujawska)
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WA - Gospodarka Przestrzenna VI sem. - Egzamin z języka angielskiego B2 – 16.06.2021
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WA - Gospodarka Przestrzenna VI sem. - Wybór poziomu (sesja letnia)
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WA - GP - e-test 2017/18
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WA - GP - e-test 2018/19
e-Learning Courses -
WA - Matematyka I (K.Kujawska)
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WA - Matematyka po I sem. (I.Skoblik-Paszek)
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WA- A - Matematyka po I sem. 2016/17 (K.Kujawska)
e-Learning Courses -
WA -A-Matematyka II 2021/22 (K.Kujawska)
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WA -A-Matematyka II 2022/23 (K.Kujawska)
e-Learning Courses -
WA- GP - Matematyka po I sem. 2016/17 (K.Kujawska)
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WA-A gr.powt.-Matematyka I-2024/25 (K.Kujawska)
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WA-A-Matematyka I-2022/23 (K.Kujawska)
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WA-A-Matematyka I-2023/24 (K.Kujawska)
e-Learning Courses -
WA-A-Matematyka I-2024/25 (K.Kujawska)
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WA-A-Matematyka II 2019/2020 (K.Kujawska) KOPIA
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WA-GP-Matematyka I-2021/22 (K.Kujawska)
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WA-GP-Matematyka I-2022/23 (K.Kujawska)
e-Learning Courses -
WA-GP-Matematyka I-2023/24 (K.Kujawska)
e-Learning Courses -
WA-GP-Matematyka I-2024/25 (K.Kujawska)
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WA-GP-Matematyka II-2021/22 (K.Kujawska)
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WA-GP-Matematyka II-2022/23 (K.Kujawska)
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WA-GP-Matematyka II-2023/24 (K.Kujawska)
e-Learning Courses -
WA-GP-Matematyka II-2024/25 (K.Kujawska)
e-Learning Courses -
Warstwy Sieci Neuronowych w Tensorflow
e-Learning CoursesPrzedmiot prowadzony na studiach podyplomowych "Sztuczna inteligencja i automatyzacja procesów biznesowych w ujęciu technicznym" prowadzonych na wydziale ZIE.
Warsztaty Nanoskopia
e-Learning CoursesWarsztaty Nanoskopia, zajęcia dla Słuchaczy Studium Doktoranckiego, realizowany w ramach programu "Kapitał Ludzki, Narodowa Strategia Spójności"
e-Learning Courses -
e-Learning CoursesSpecjalność: Environmental Engineering (WILiŚ), II stopnia, stacjonarne
e-Learning CoursesSpecjalność: Environmental Engineering (WILiŚ), II stopnia, stacjonarne
e-Learning CoursesSpecjalność: Environmental Engineering (WILiŚ), II stopnia, stacjonarne
Waste Management 2024/2025
e-Learning CoursesSpecjalność: Environmental Engineering (WILiŚ), II stopnia, stacjonarne
Waste managment and waste disposal - summer 2022
e-Learning CoursesCelem przedmiotu jest przedstawienie różnych aspektów i informacji dotyczących odpadów, takich jak polityka gospodarki odpadami, rodzaje odpadów, ich zbiórka, segregacja i metody utylizacji. Kurs na platformie wykorzystany zostanie do prowadzenia zajęć wykładowych oraz seminarium.
Waste managment and waste disposal 22/23
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Wastewater and water quality control 2022/23
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Wastewater and water quality control 2023/24
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Wastewater Engineering 2020/21 (Environmental Engineering, II stopnia, stacjonarne, II semestr))
e-Learning CoursesWastewater sources and flows Wastewater characterization based on physical and biodegradation criteria Preliminary treatment unit operations (screens, grit chambers, primary clarifiers) Biological processes (suspended growth vs. attached growth, hybrid systems, granular sludge) for wastewater treatment. Principles of biological nutrient removal (nitrification, denitrification, enhanced biological P removal, anammox). Implementation...
Wastewater Engineering 2021/22 (Environmental Engineering, II stopnia, stacjonarne, II semestr))
e-Learning CoursesWastewater sources and flows Wastewater characterization based on physical and biodegradation criteria Preliminary treatment unit operations (screens, grit chambers, primary clarifiers) Biological processes (suspended growth vs. attached growth, hybrid systems, granular sludge) for wastewater treatment Principles of biological nutrient removal (nitrification, denitrification, enhanced biological P removal, anammox) Implementation...
Wastewater Engineering 2022/23 (Environmental Engineering, II stopnia, stacjonarne, II semestr))
e-Learning CoursesWastewater sources and flows Wastewater characterization based on physical and biodegradation criteria Preliminary treatment unit operations (screens, grit chambers, primary clarifiers) Biological processes (suspended growth vs. attached growth, hybrid systems, granular sludge) for wastewater treatment Principles of biological nutrient removal (nitrification, denitrification, enhanced biological P removal, anammox) Implementation...
Wastewater Engineering 2023/24 (Environmental Engineering, II stopnia, stacjonarne, II semestr)
e-Learning CoursesWastewater sources and flows Wastewater characterization based on physical and biodegradation criteria Preliminary treatment unit operations (screens, grit chambers, primary clarifiers) Biological processes (suspended growth vs. attached growth, hybrid systems, granular sludge) for wastewater treatment Principles of biological nutrient removal (nitrification, denitrification, enhanced biological P removal, anammox) Implementation...
Wastewater Engineering 2024/25 (Environmental Engineering, II stopnia, stacjonarne, II semestr)
e-Learning CoursesWastewater sources and flows Wastewater characterization based on physical and biodegradation criteria Preliminary treatment unit operations (screens, grit chambers, primary clarifiers) Biological processes (suspended growth vs. attached growth, hybrid systems, granular sludge) for wastewater treatment Principles of biological nutrient removal (nitrification, denitrification, enhanced biological P removal, anammox) Implementation...
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of the course is to learn the characteristics of different types of wastewater depending on their origin (industrial sector) as well as introduce the commonly used technologies for removing pollutants from wastewater and get to know an alternative methods. Another goal is to understand the problems of management of sewage sludge generated in municipal wastewater treatment plants and industrial plants.