Katarzyna Końska
Business contact
Centrum Transferu Wiedzy i Technologii
- Location
- Al. Zwycięstwa 27, 80-219 Gdańsk
- Phone
- +48 58 348 62 62
- biznes@pg.edu.pl
- katkonsk@student.pg.edu.pl
Publication showcase
Effect of slightly crosslinked butyl rubber and compatibilizer additives on properties of recycled polyethylene-ground tire rubber blends
Slightly crosslinked butyl rubber, (PhMe2CO)(2) and maleic anhydride were added as compatibilizer to the recycled polyethylene-ground tire rubber blends. Recycled postprodn. and postconsumer (shredded bottle caps) polyethylene wastes were used. The thermoplastic compns. were studied for statistic and dynamic mech. properties and morphol. The addn. of butyl rubber resulted in a decrease of the tensile strength and hardness of the...
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