Laboratorium Wysokich Napięć - Laboratory - Bridge of Knowledge


Laboratorium Wysokich Napięć

High-current high-power laboratory

Illustration of the publication


The high-current laboratory is intended for performing tests of low, medium and high voltage apparatus, equipment and electric power devices. The high-current laboratory is intended for performing tests of low, medium and high voltage apparatus, equipment and electric power devices. The laboratory is equipped with high-power test devices:

  • Short-circuit transformers for performing short-circuit strength tests
  • Short-circuit transformers for current-carrying capacity tests and arc resistance tests,
  • Heating transformers for current heating tests with a current intensity of up to 4 kA.


The laboratory is intended for R&D works and testing of low, medium, and high voltage apparatus, equipment and electric power devices. The laboratory is intended for R&D works and testing of low, medium, and high voltage apparatus, equipment and electric power devices. Research services include design tests and special-purpose tests of the following apparatus and devices:

  • switchgears, switches, earthing switches, fuses, lightning arresters, transformers, cable and line equipment,
  • other devices and element of the equipment of power grids and stations.


  • Short-circuit tests: in a three-phase system – short-time withstand current 40 kA 1s, peak withstand current 100 kA, in a two-phase system – short-time withstand current 63 kA 1s, peak withstand current 150 kA,
  • High-current tests and arc resistance tests: in a three-phase system maximum current of 10kA, voltage approx. 3-15 kV, in a two-phase system – maximum current approx. 1.7 kA, and maximum voltage approx. 24 kV,
  • Heating tests with continuous alternating current 50Hz to 4 kA. 


  • Design tests of current transformers and voltage transformers, and determination of their accuracy classes,
  • Design tests of current transformers and voltage transformers, and determination of their accuracy classes,
  • Tests, opinions, expert opinions concerning low and medium voltage devices: operation tests, design tests, definition of rating parameters, and tests of protective equipment.


  • Lectures, training courses and specialist training sessions in the field of low and medium voltage switchgear, switchgear techniques, measurement transducers, diagnostics of electric power devices.
Illustration of the publication

Research topics / Laboratory research field

  • (valid from 21-05-2014) Badania układów probierczych i pomiarowych stosowanych w technice wysokiego napięcia

Research Kind

  • Analiza pracy urządzeń wysokiego napięcia w silnych polach elektrycznych i magnetycznych
  • Badania napięciem probierczym przemiennym i udarowym
  • Wyładowania niezupełne
  • Wytrzymałość układów izolacyjnych

NCN discipline

  • ST2 Podstawowe składniki materii: fizyka cząstek elementarnych, jądrowa, plazmy, atomowa, molekularn / ST2_6 Elektryczność i magnetyzm

Equipment in laboratory


Additional information:
Laboratorium doposażono w ramach projektu pt.: "Modernizacja i rozbudowa laboratoriów Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej w Gdańsku – Infrastruktura edukacyjna i naukowo – dydaktyczna". Projekt finansowany w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego dla Województwa Pomorskiego na lata 2007-2013.
Business contact:
Centrum Transferu Wiedzy i Technologii
Al. Zwycięstwa 27, 80-219 Gdańsk
+48 58 348 62 62
dr hab. inż. Arkadiusz Żak
dr hab. inż. Arkadiusz Żak
Associated units:
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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