(Field of Science):
- automation, electronics, electrical engineering and space technologies (Engineering and Technology)
- biomedical engineering (Engineering and Technology)
- civil engineering, geodesy and transport (Engineering and Technology)
- mechanical engineering (Engineering and Technology)
- environmental engineering, mining and energy (Engineering and Technology)
- mathematics (Natural sciences)
(Field of Science)
Ministry points: Help
Year | Points | List |
Year 2025 | 70 | Ministry scored journals list 2024 |
Year | Points | List |
2025 | 70 | Ministry scored journals list 2024 |
2024 | 70 | Ministry scored journals list 2024 |
2023 | 140 | Ministry Scored Journals List |
2022 | 70 | Ministry Scored Journals List 2019-2022 |
2021 | 70 | Ministry Scored Journals List 2019-2022 |
2020 | 70 | Ministry Scored Journals List 2019-2022 |
2019 | 70 | Ministry Scored Journals List 2019-2022 |
2018 | 15 | A |
2017 | 15 | A |
2016 | 15 | A |
2015 | 15 | A |
2014 | 15 | A |
2013 | 15 | A |
2012 | 15 | A |
2011 | 15 | A |
2010 | 9 | B |
Points CiteScore:
Year | Points |
Year 2023 | 1.4 |
Year | Points |
2023 | 1.4 |
2022 | 1.6 |
2021 | 1.7 |
2020 | 2 |
2019 | 1.8 |
2018 | 1.7 |
2017 | 1.3 |
2016 | 1.5 |
2015 | 1.4 |
2014 | 1.7 |
2013 | 1.2 |
2012 | 0.7 |
2011 | 0.7 |
Impact Factor:
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Papers published in journal
total: 25
Catalog Journals
Year 2024
Analysis of the influence of geometrical imperfections on the equivalent load stabilizing roof truss with lateral bracing system
PublicationThe paper is focused on the numerical analysis of the stability and load bearing capacity of a flat steel truss. The structure was supported by elastic lateral braces. The translational and rotational brace stiffness was taken into account. The linear buckling analysis were performed for the beam and shell model of the truss. The nonlinear static analysis were conducted for the structure initial geometric imperfections. As a result...
The use of a genetic algorithm in the process of optimizing the shape of a three-dimensional periodic beam
PublicationMechanical periodic structures exhibit unusual dynamic behavior thanks to the periodicity of their structures, which can be attributed to their cellular arrangement. The source of this periodicity may result from periodic variations of material properties within their cells and/or variations in the cell geometry. The authors present the results of their studies on the optimization of physical parameters of a three-dimensional axisymetrical...
Year 2022
Year 2021
Year 2018
Enhanced energy conversion as a result of fluid-solid interaction in micro- and nanoscale
PublicationIt is known that nano- and micromechanics require new approaches to right describing of surface-like phenomena which lead to an enhanced energy conversion. In this work, a general form of surface forces that consist of a contribution from both the friction and mobility components has been extended to collect the effects of bulk and surface motion of a fluid. Quite similar impact can be observed for a solid-fluid mixture, where...
Polyester sail technical woven fabric behaviour under uniaxial and biaxial tensile tests
PublicationThe paper is focused on the identification of mechanical properties of a sail technical woven fabric (yacht sailcloth polyester) style 480 AP with MTO (Medium Tempered Optimized) finish. The non-linear elastic behaviour of the fabric applied for sails is investigated under uniaxial and biaxial tensile tests. Comparison of non-linear elastic parameters with others polyester coated fabrics is made. This paper is intended to be an...
Year 2017
Experimental validation of the use of energy transfer ratio (ETR) for damage diagnosis of steel-concrete composite beams
Publication -
Parameter estimation of a discrete model of a reinforced concrete slab
Year 2016
PublicationThis paper addresses the problem of ventral hernia repair. The main goals are to find an optimal surgical mesh for hernia repair and to define its optimal orientation in the abdominal wall to minimise the maximum force at the tissue-implant juncture. The optimal mesh is chosen from a set of orthotropic meshes with different stiffness ratios for typical hernia placement in the abdominal area. The implant is subjected to an anisotropic...
PublicationThere is an ever growing industrial demand for quantitative assessment of fatigue endurance of critical structural details. Although FEA-based calculations have become a standard in engineering design, problems involving the Low-To-Medium cycle range (101-104) remain challenging. This paper presents an attempt to optimally choose material data, meshing density and other algorithm settings in the context of recent design of the...
PublicationThe paper deals with the problem of prediction of the rolling period. A special emphasis is put on the practical application of the new method for rolling period prediction with regard to non-linearity of the GZ curve. The one degree-of-freedom rolling equation is applied with using the non-linear stiffness moment and linear damping moment formulas. A number of ships are considered to research the discrepancies between the pending...
Year 2014
Determination of Mechanical Properties of P91 Steel by Means of Magnetic Barkhausen Emission
PublicationIn this work, an attempt at determination of mechanical properties by means of a method based on magnetic Barkhausen emission measurements was proposed. The specimens made of P91 steel were subjected to creep or plastic flow which were interrupted after a range of selected time periods in order to achieve specimens with an increasing level of strain. Subsequently, measurements of magnetic Barkhausen emission were carried out, and...
The use of response surface methodology for reliability estimation of composite engineering structures
Publication -
The use of Response Surface Methodology for reliability estimation of composite engineering structures
PublicationStability loss is one of the key issues in the analysis of shells made of composite materials. This paper aims at finding the variation of the critical or limit value of the load resulting from geometric imperfections. An axially compressed 16-layer cylindrical panel model is considered. The imperfections of the panel are simulated as random fields. The parameters of these fields are used as the basic variables of the reliability...
Year 2011
Damage detection in beams using wavelet transform on higher vibration modes
PublicationNiniejsza praca poświęcona jest technice diagnostyki konstrukcji bazującej na transformacie falkowej. Badany obiekt to belka wspornikowa z uszkodzeniami w formie nacięcia o głębokości 20%, 10% oraz 5% wysokości belki. Pomiary postaci drgań wykonano za pomocą nowoczesnego wibrometru laserowego. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie eksperymentalnych i numerycznych analiz wpływu wyższych postaci drgań na efektywność wykrywania uszkodzeń...
Investigations of Aerodynamics of Tesla Bladeless Microturbines
PublicationThe paper presents an analysis of a Tesla bladeless turbine for a co-generating micro-power plant of heat capacity 20 kW, whichoperates in an organic Rankine cycle with a low-boiling medium. Numerical calculations of flow in several Tesla turbine models areperformed for a range of design parameters. Results of investigations exhibit interesting features in the distribution of flowparameters within the turbine interdisk space. The...
Modelling and analysis of beam/bar structure by application of bond graphs
PublicationThe paper presents an uniform, port-based approach to modelling of beam/bar systems (trusses). Port-based model of such distributed parameter system has been defined by application of the bond graph methodology and the distributed transfer function method (DTFM). The proposed method of modelling enables to formulate input data for computer analysis by application of the DTFM. The constructed computational package enables the frequency...
Year 2010
Modeling of the fascia-mesh system and sensitivity analysis of a junction force after a laparoscopic ventral hernia repair
PublicationW pracy rozpatrywano prosty model cięgnowy układu powięż-siatka do oszacowania siły połączenia siatki z powięzią po operacji laparoskopowej przepukliny brzusznej. Cięgno obciążone jest ciśnieniem wewnątrz brzusznym, symulującym kaszel, oraz przemieszczeniami jego końców wywołanymi skłonami pacjenta. Wpływ poszczególnych parametrów cięgna na siłę połączenia określono za pomocą analizy wrażliwości. Sformułowano pewne wnioski ważne...
Neuro-wavelet damage detection technique in beam, plate and shell structures with experimental validation
PublicationNiniejsza praca poświęcona jest technice diagnostyki konstrukcji bazującej na transfor-macie falkowej oraz sztucznych sieciach neuronowych (tzw. system neuro-wavelet). Zastosowanie analizy falkowej pozwala na lokalizację uszkodzeń wymagającą mini-malnej ilości danych wejściowych. W tym celu niezbędna jest tylko odpowiedź kon-strukcji pomierzona w wielu punktach. Poprawę efektywności lokalizacji zniszczeń uzyskano poprzez użycie...
Year 2009
PublicationThe paper presents results of experimental research and numerical simulations of the sloshing phenomenon. The research was focused on computation of the heeling moment affecting stability of a vessel. The proposed linearisation enables application of the results to the assessment of the ship's stability. The dependence of the heeling moment upon localisation of a tank in the ship's hull is analysed. The heeling moment obtained...
Year 2008
Identification i simulation of initial geometric imperfection of steel cylindrical tanks
PublicationPrzedstawiono stochastyczną analizę stalowych zbiorników walcowych ze wstępnymi imperfekcjami geometrycznymi. Wykorzystano pomierzone odchyłki rzeczywistych zbiorników. Imperfekcje opisano za pomocą nienorodnych pól losowych. Wygenerowano realizacje odpowiadające pomierzonym imperfekcjom a także imperfekcjom ekstremalnym. Wykonano obliczeniach geometrycznie i materiałowo nieliniowe zbiornika z imperfekcjami. Wykazano, że imperfekcje...
Year 2007
Theoretical and experimental assessment of parameters for the non-linear viscoelastic model of structural pounding
PublicationZjawisko zderzeń pomiędzy sąsiednimi konstrukcjami budowlanymi podczas trzęsień ziemi jest w ostatnim czasie intensywnie badane z wykorzystaniem różnych modeli numerycznych siły zderzenia w czasie kontaktu. Wyniki badań eksperymentalnych pokazują, iż nieliniowy model lepko-sprężysty jest najdokładniejszy wśród modeli stosowanych do analizy. Model ten zdefiniowany jest poprzez dwa parametry: liczbę tłumienia zderzenia oraz parametr...
Turbulent heat transfer in thin liquid films at low and high heat fluxes
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono rozważania turbulentnej wymiany ciepła w cienkich filmach cieczowych powstałych w wyniku uderzenia strugi przy małych i dużych strumieniach ciepła. W ostatnim przypadku może dojść do wrzenia filmu cieczowego. Oba zjawiska zamodelowano i uzyskano odpowiednie rozkłady temperatury i pedkosci.
Year 2006
Modelling of strain localization in quasi-brittle materials with coupled elasto-plastic-damage model
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki numerycznej dla zginania belki betonowej przy zastosowaniu połączonego modelu sprężysto-plastycznego z degradacja sztywności. Do opisu rys, model rozszerzono o nielokalność.
Year 2003
The inverse problem in a hyperbolic section radial compressor.
PublicationNa przykładzie wirnika sprężarki porównano wyniki rozwiązania zadania odwrotnego w ramach modelu 2D prowadzącego do kształtu wirnika, z zadaniem prostym, w ramach modelu 3D, dla skonstruowanego wirnika na bazie modelu 2D.Zasadniczym celem było uzyskanie równomiernych (bez oderwań) pól parametrów w obrębie wirnika sprężarki. Pokazano jak zmiana obrysu wirnika, z klasycznego kształtu stożkowego na hiperboliczny, wpłynąć może na...
seen 1740 times