dr hab. inż. Michał Wodtke
- Associate professor at Institute of Mechanics and Machine Design
total: 65
Catalog Publications
Year 2025
Effect of water contamination of an environmentally acceptable lubricant based on synthetic esters on the wear and hydrodynamic properties of stern tube bearing
PublicationThe ecological aspects of the lubrication of stern tube bearings on ships represent a critical challenge today. Oil leakages are a typical issue, even for new systems, similarly to water ingress from the environment. One of the options for improving environmental protection is replacing mineral oil with an environmentally adaptable lubricant (EAL). This paper reports experimental investigations of the effect of water content in...
Year 2024
Experimental study on the feasibility of alternative materials for tilting pad thrust bearings operating in transition to mixed friction
PublicationIn hydrodynamic bearings traditional bearing alloys: Babbitts and bronzes are most frequently utilized. Polymer sliding layers are sometimes applied as a valuable alternative. Hard diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings, which are also considered for certain applications may show some advantages, as well. Although material selection is of secondary importance in a full film lubrication regime it becomes important in mixed friction...
Year 2023
Environmentally acceptable lubricants (EAL) compared with a reference mineral oil as marine stern tube bearing lubricant – Experimental and theoretical investigations
PublicationThe purpose of this research is to indicate the potential differences in bearing characteristics resulting from the application of different lubricant types with the same viscosity grade. The effect of different environmentally acceptable lubricants (EALs) on hydrodynamic journal bearing properties is studied experimentally and compared to the properties obtained after lubrication with a reference mineral oil. The results of the...
Experimental comparison of the transition speed of a hydrodynamic journal bearing lubricated with oil and magnetorheological fluid
PublicationA journal bearing test bench is used to find the transition speed between the hydrodynamic and mixed lubrication regimes for a modified magnetorheological (MR) fluid. It is shown that the transition speed of the bearing can be reduced by applying a local magnetic field near minimum film when it is lubricated with the MR fluid, and that this will only marginally increase friction. The lubricating performance of the MR fluid is compared...
Experimental Verification of the CFD Model of the Squeeze Film Lifting Effect
PublicationAbstract: The presented study shows the results of the research into the squeeze film levitation phenomena. The system introduced in the investigation is composed of a vibrating surface, air squeeze film, and the surface of the body freely suspended over the film. The use of the CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) model used in the system allows us to determine the steady state, periodic behavior of the air film (described by Navier–Stokes,...
The influence of polymer bearing material and lubricating grooves layout on wear of journal bearings lubricated with contaminated water
PublicationThe goal of the present paper is to investigate wear properties of journal sliding bearing operating in the conditions of contaminated water lubrication. Several bearing materials and bearing sleeve designs (differing in the axial grooves position and their shape) were tested experimentally under typical operating conditions in a dedicated test rig, which was equipped with a lubricating system, enabling lubrication with contaminated...
Year 2022
Experimental research on a hydrodynamic thrust bearing with hydrostatic lift pockets: Influence of lubrication modes on bearing performance
PublicationThe aim of the study is to investigate the performance of a thrust bearing equipped with hydrostatic lift pockets under different lubrication modes. Three types of flat land bearing lubrication modes are studied experimentally: hydrostatic lubrication (HS; forced oil injection to the pockets), hybrid lubrication (HS + HD; hydrostatic lubrication combined with the external forced bearing oil supply) and hydrodynamic lubrication...
Year 2021
A comparative performance assessment of a hydrodynamic journal bearing lubricated with oil and magnetorheological fluid
PublicationThis work presents the investigation results of a journal bearing lubricated with magnetorheological fluid that is activated by a local constant magnetic field to vary both the local flow resistance and pressure. The bearing performance is assessed via Finite Element Modelling (FEM) and results are corroborated by experiments. The FEM model uses the Bingham model to describe the fluid film. A dedicated test rig is used to assess...
Water-lubricated stern tube bearing - experimental and theoretical investigations of thermal effects
PublicationThe paper presents research results of thermal phenomena accompanying operation of a water-lubricated stern tube bearing with axial grooves. Experimental tests revealed, that intensity of forced axial flow has strong influence on bush temperature. Numerical simulations focused on investigation of the thermal phenomena under operation of water-lubricated journal bearing showed, that restricted axial flow promotes backflow of the...
Year 2020
Considerations about the applicability of the Reynolds equation for analyzing high-speed near field levitation phenomena
Publicationequation for analyzing near field levitation (NFL) phenomena. Two separate approaches were developed, experimentally verified, and applied to meet the research objective. One was based on the Reynolds equation and the other was based on general conservation equations for fluid flow solved using computational fluid dynamic (CFD). Comparing the calculation results revealed that, for certain operating conditions, differences in the...
Year 2019
Effect of manufacturing errors of the pad sliding surface on the performance of the hydrodynamic thrust bearing
PublicationIn the present study, investigation of the effect of manufacturing errors on the performance of large tilting pad thrust bearings has been performed, following a CFD-based Thermohydrodynamic analysis of a single pad. A 3D model has been generated, including the pad, the lubricant film and the corresponding part of the collar. The pad has been assumed to be deformed about the pivot point, due to thrust loading. Manufacturing errors...
Investigation of the thermal effects in water-lubricated journal bearings with axial grooves
PublicationWater-lubricated hydrodynamic journal bearings are frequently applied as stern tube bearings due to their advantages over other bearing types. They are environmentally friendly, can operate without sealings and in conditions of low friction losses. The most popular are bearings with open axial grooves, which require, for proper operation, forced axial flow of the lubricating water. Correctly designed and operated stern tube bearings...
Year 2018
Ecological bearing systems for water turbines – research and development at Gdansk University of Technology
PublicationIncreasing requirements for environmental protection make it necessary to introduce new materials and designs. Hydroelectric power plants operating in direct contact with water reservoirs and rivers are potentially endangering water cleanliness, hence they should also be modernized in the way minimizing the environmental hazards. A lot of progress in this field has been achieved in last decades, but still there is much work to...
PublicationThe article presents the analysis, project, and experimental examination of an original rigid riser for Coil Tubing Pipes. The principle of riser operation is based on the use of friction forces. The research included the FEM analysis of the designed riser, calculations of the required bolt tensions, and checking the effect of the clamping force on stress distribution in the pipeline. The results of computer simulation were verified...
FEM Calculations in Analysis of Steel Subsea Water Injection Flowlines Designing Process
PublicationPaper describes the result of theoretical research aimed at assessing the loads and operating conditions of a Coiled Tubing pipeline injecting water, suspended to the mining platform of Lotos Petrobaltic. For this purpose, appropriate calculation models have been developed using the Finite Element Method (FEM), taking into account the nature of the analyzed object and its loads. The analyzes were carried out for two pipes (previously...
PublicationIn many cases in rotating machinery, axial load is carried by tilting pad thrust bearings which have been developed since the beginning of 20th century. For high reliability and simplicity, most commonly the bearings are bath lubricated. In the times of sustainable development, however, minimization of friction losses becomes an important criterion for machinery assessment, and a strategic goal of their development. Performed calculations,...
Improvement of Thrust Bearing Calculation Considering the Convectional Heating within the Space between the Pads
PublicationA modern thrust bearing tool is used to estimate the behavior of tilting pad thrust bearings not only in the oil film between pad and rotating collar, but also in the space between the pads. The oil flow in the space significantly influences the oil film inlet temperature and the heating of pad and collar. For that reason, it is necessary to define an oil mixing model for the space between the pads. In the bearing tool, the solutions...
Year 2017
Field tests on hydrodynamic and hybrid operation of a bi-directional thrust bearing of a pump-turbine
PublicationIn vertical shaft pump turbines operating in pumped storage power plants an important role is played by a thrust bearing. Because of bi-directional character of operation, thrust bearing tilting pads have to be supported symmetrically, which is known to be unfavourable from the point of view of their performance. Large thrust bearings have to be carefully designed so as to minimise excessive thermo-elastic pad deformations. The...
Field Tests on Hydrodynamic and Hybrid Operation of a Bidirectional Thrust Bearing of a Pump-Turbine
PublicationIn vertical shaft pump turbines operating in pumped storage power plants an important role is played by a thrust bearing. Due to the bidirectional character of operation, thrust bearing tilting pads have to be supported symmetrically, which is known to be unfavourable from the point of view of their performance. Large thrust bearings have to be carefully designed so as to minimise excessive thermo-elastic pad deformations. The...
Hydrodynamiczne łożyska wzdłużne z warstwą ślizgową z PEEK
PublicationMonografia zawiera podsumowanie stanu wiedzy w zakresie hydrodynamicznych łożysk wzdłużnych z polimerową warstwą ślizgową uzupełnione o wyniki badań własnych autora w tym obszarze. W pierwszej części przedstawiono obszerny przegląd znanych z literatury wyników badań, a także opis doświadczeń eksploatacyjnych łożysk z wahliwymi segmentami z pokryciem powierzchni ślizgowej materiałami polimerowymi na bazie PTFE oraz PEEK. Materiały...
Improvement of the thrust bearing calculation considering the convectional heating within the space between the pads
PublicationA modern thrust bearing calculation tool should consider not only the oil film between pad and rotating collar but also the space between the pads. The oil flow in the space has a significant influence on the oil film inlet temperature, the convectional cooling of pad and collar and should be included in the bearing calculation methods. The authors use a tool developed at Clausthal University of Technology in cooperation with the...
Prospects of Decreasing Power Losses in a Hydrostatic Thrust Bearing
PublicationIn numerous machines, axial load is carried by tilting pad thrust bearings known since the beginning of 20th century. These bearings are commonly bath lubricated, which is simple, does not require any additional pumps, and, due to this, such systems are highly reliable. In a contemporary technology, however, minimization of friction losses became an important goal of machinery improvement. Calculations based on elementary rules...
Year 2016
Evaluation of apparent Young׳s modulus of the composite polymer layers used as sliding surfaces in hydrodynamic thrust bearings
PublicationHydrodynamic bearings with a polymer sliding layer are able to operate in severe conditions, mainly due to favorable properties of the polymers. The goal of this research was to evaluate apparent Young׳s modulus of two types of the polymer composite layers used for sliding surfaces in hydrodynamic bearings, as a function of temperature. The Young׳s modulus was evaluated on the basis of compression tests carried out on samples obtained...
PublicationPolymeric linings of sliding surfaces of the hydrodynamic bearings have been used successfully for over 50 years. Despite of their long history of operation and research, they have not become wide spread in industrial applications. This fact may be surprising, considering th e conclusions that have been published concerning bearing operation and design. This paper summarizes the current...
Year 2015
Centrally Pivoted Tilting Pad Thrust Bearing with Carbon-Based Coated Collar—Experimental Results of Low- and Medium-Speed Operation
PublicationExperimental results of the research on a tilting pad thrust bearing with symmetrical pad support in the conditions of high loads and low speeds are presented in the paper. As described in the literature review, experimental results of tilting pad bearings at low speed/high load regime and transient conditions are rare. Unusual material selection - steel pad against a DLC-type coating on the collar was utilized. Such material combination...
Compliance tests of the polymer layers used as hydrodynamic bearing coatings
PublicationOperational experience and scientific investigations results showed that polymer lined hydrodynamic bearings can withstand more severe operating conditions compared than white metal bearings. PTFE and PEEK-based coatings are the most frequently used as Babbitt alternatives. Both polymers differ significantly from the each other in material properties. According to catalogue data compression modulus of PTFE, it is about an order...
Effect of presence of lifting pocket on the THD performance of a large tilting-pad thrust bearing
PublicationHydrostatic assistance is a commonly used method to improve limited load carrying ability of tiltingpad thrust bearings during transient states of operation of vertical shaft hydro-generators. Despite of special hydraulic equipment (as pumps, valves, etc.), it also requires manufacturing of special recesses/pockets at pad sliding surfaces, into which oil is injected under high pressure. It allows to lift the rotor before start-up...
Experimental comparison of hydrodynamic thrust bearings with different pad surface materials
PublicationBabbitt is the material most frequently used as the pad surface material for hydrodynamic bearings operating at usual operating conditions. It shows many advantages important for safe bearing operation, as for example: low friction coefficient, corrosion resistance, fair mechanical properties and outstanding conformability. On the other hand, it is not free from disadvantages, such as limited fatigue strength or limited resistance...
PublicationCelem pracy było wykonanie dokumentacji projektowo‐wykonawczej i obliczeń konstrukcji stalowych fundamentowania rurociągów wiszących zatłaczania oraz eksportu ropy montowanych na pontonie platformy „Lotos Petrobaltic”.
PublicationCelem pracy było wykonanie analizy obciążeń oddziałujących na rurociągi zatłaczające wodę do złoża oraz kompleksowego projektu fundamentowania rur CT i riserów eksportowych ropy wraz z pomostami obsługowymi na zmodernizowanej platformie PETROBALTIC. W tym celu wykonano obliczenia MES struktury platformy oraz opracowano dokumentację wykonawczą.
PublicationCelem artykułu jest przedstawienie podstawowych konstrukcji hydrodynamicznych łożysk ślizgowych smarowanych wodą wraz z określeniem ich podziału ze względu na cechy konstrukcyjne oraz funkcjonalne. Scharakteryzowano wady i zalety najczęściej spotykanych rozwiązań oraz przedstawiono własne, oryginalne konstrukcje łożysk zaprojektowane w Katedrze Konstrukcji Maszyn i Pojazdów Wydziału Mechanicznego Politechniki Gdańskiej.
PublicationPrzeprowadzone obliczenia miały na celu sprawdzenie możliwości transportu rolki MSR‐1 z nawiniętym na bęben rurociągiem o masie całkowitej 110 ton. NA skutek wykrycia zbyt wysokich naprężeń w strukturze rolki wykonano projektu jej wzmocnienia w miejscach najbardziej wytężonych. W pracy wykorzystano metodę MES oraz modelowanie 3D.
Year 2014
PublicationW pierwszej części pracy wykonano szczegółową analizę statycznej linii ugięcia oraz sił występujących w podwodnym rurociągu elastycznym łączącym rurociąg flowline z nawodną boją przelewową. Zoptymalizowano układ rurociągów pod kątem ugięcia rur oraz obciążeń rozrywających. Zaprojektowano nowy zespół podwodnej boi wyporowej i wykonano kompletną dokumentację wykonawczą oraz montażową nowej konstrukcji.
Effect of the Presence of the Lifting Pocket on The THD Performance of a Large Tilting-Pad Thrust Bearing
PublicationIn this paper, an attempt was taken to study the effect of the lifting pocket on THD performance of a large tilting-pad thrust bearing of Itaipu power plant. B3earing performance was evaluated including recess shape for several cases of its depth. The results show, that hydrostatic recess changes calculated bearing properties quite significantly, especially in the vicinity of the pocket
PublicationW ramach realizowanej pracy przeprowadzono analizę kilku koncepcji zawieszenia rurociągów na platformie wydobywczej Lotos Petrobaltic. Wykonano obliczenia sprawdzające oraz opracowano kompleksowy projekt technicznych obejmujący dokumentację warsztatową oraz instrukcję montażu i eksploatacji. Zastosowane unikatowe rozwiązanie uchwytów rur CT.
Large hydrodynamic thrust bearing: Comparison of the calculations and measurements
PublicationHydrodynamic thrust bearings, used to carry axial loads in heavily loaded shafts of water power plants hydro turbines, can reach outer diameters even exceeding 5 m. In such large objects scale effect could be observed. According to this, allowable bearing specific load assuring safe operation of the bearings has to be decreased, which increases thrust bearing dimensions. This effect is caused by excessive thermal deflections of...
Simulation of large thrust-bearing performance at transient states, warm and cold start-up
PublicationThe start-up of a large hydrodynamic thrust bearing of a vertical hydrogenerator is one of the most critical situations during the lifetime of a bearing. Hydrodynamic load capacity is low due to low speed and higher thermal deformations of the pad. A new approach to the simulation of a hydrodynamic bearing is shown in this article. A combination of finite elements method and computational fluid dynamics is used to perform the transient...
Year 2013
PublicationW wyniku rozpoznania problemu niezadowalającej trwałości łożysk wałka I i II stopnia turbosprężarki oraz wykonaniu analizy obliczeniowej wielu wariantów łożysk promieniowych i osiowych zaproponowano nowe koncepcje łożysk, które odpowiednio zaprojektowane i wykonane powinny zapewnić długotrwałą pracę.
Application of the fluid–structure interaction technique for the analysis of hydrodynamic lubrication problems.
PublicationFluid–structure interaction technique seems to be one of the most promising possibilities for theoretical analysis of lubrication problems. It allows coupling of different physical fields in one computational task, taking into account the interaction between them. In this article, two sets of fluid–structure interaction analyses focusing on the bearing performance evaluation are presented. One analysis was applied to a water-lubricated...
Effect of Coating Material Properties on Tilting-pad Thrust Bearing Performance
PublicationPolymer lined tilting-pad bearings demonstrate many advantages over traditional bearing systems. Bearings with a polymer layer in comparison with a babbitted layer show, for example: lower value of friction coefficient (important during start/stops), higher fatigue strength of the coating, better distribution of the load on individual pads due to lower elasticity of the polymers, wider range of operational temperatures or the ability...
Improving performance of large thrust bearings through modeling and experimentation
PublicationLarge thrust bearings are highly loaded machine elements and their failures cause serious losses. Start ups and stoppages of the bearing under load are specially critical regimes of operation. Load carrying capacity depends on the profile of the oil gap. In transient states this profile is also changing. In the design of large thrust bearings minimizing thermo-elastic deformations is an important goal, which can be accomplished...
Large Hydrodynamic Thrust Bearings and Their Application in Hydrogenerators
PublicationLarge hydrodynamic thrust bearings are the bearings which, due to hydrodynamic lubrication, allow large axial load to be transferred from a moving part (shaft) to the stationary part via a thin layer of the lubricant (usually oil), thus providing extremely low friction and practically no wear. Hydrogenerators with vertical shafts are the most important application of large thrust bearings. Main design and scientific problems of...
Study of the Influence of Heat Convection Coefficient on Predicted Performance of a Large Tilting-Pad Thrust Bearing
PublicationPart of the heat generated by the shearing of the lubricating film during operation of a hydrodynamic bearing is transferred to the bearing components. In the case of the pad, which is usually fully submerged in the lubricating oil, heat is further transferred at the pad free walls to the oil by convection. This mechanism causes a thermal gradient in a pad and, consequently, its thermal deflection. In large hydrodynamic thrust...
Tilting pad thrust bearing with novel material selection - experimental comparison of low and medium speed operation
PublicationThe advances in material engineering led to the development of hard carbon based coatings applied in numerous applications in order to prevent or minimize wear of the parts in contact. With Triondur® coatings, the bearing company Schaeffler has succeeded in halving the friction losses in the valve trains of passenger cars. The coatings are optimized for high abrasive wear protection and low sliding friction moments. Altogether...
Year 2012
Experimental Investigation of Prototype Water-Lubricated Compliant Foil Bearings
PublicationPraca zawiera wyniki badań doświadczalnych prototypowego łożyska foliowego smarowanego wodą. Łożyska tego typu mogą mieć zastosowanie w węzłach, od których wymaga się ekologicznego środka smarowego, np. pompy wodne czy turbiny wodne. W opracowaniu zademonstrowano wyniki badań trzech prototypowych poprzecznych łożysk foliowych. Opisano napotkane problemy badań oraz wprowadzonych do konstrukcji łożyska zmian, których celem była poprawa...
New Generation of Water lubricated Foil bearing - Numerical Models and Experimental Verification
PublicationIn the paper a new idea of foil water lubricated bearing and methodology of hydrodynamic characteristics calculations is presented. To assesses the theoretical characteristics of these bearings two different computer models were built. First is structural model coupled with fluid model. It takes into account: fluid flow in the deformed fluid gap, specific design of bearing support and friction in bearing support. The second is...
Shaft Misalignment Influence on Water Lubricated Turbine Sliding Bearings with Various Bush Modules of Elasticity
PublicationW artykule przeanalizowano wpływ wielkości przenoszenia osi wału względem panwi na nośność łożyska. Analizie poddano łożyska z odmiennymi rodzajami panwi o różnej sztywności.
Year 2011
Ocena stanu łożyska nośnego hydrozespołu HZ-2 EW żarnowiec i przyczyn jego awarii w dniach 31.05 i 16.06.2011
Publicationw pracy przedstawiono ocenę stanu łożyska nośnego hydrozespołu hz-2 EW Żarnowiec i przyczyn jego awarii w dniach 31.05 i 16.06.2011. Przeanalizowano przebieg obu awarii na podstawie zapisów z systemu diagnostycznego. Oceniono konstrukcję łożyska i przedstawiono ocenę przyczyn awarii oraz rekomendacje dotyczące usuwania przyczyn i skutków awarii
Ocena stanu technicznego młyna rurowego średnicy 3,4m i długości 13.5m oraz weryfikacja wprowadzonych zmian
PublicationPrzeprowadzono obszerną analizę wytrzymałościową młyna do mielenia cementu. Opracowano własną metodykę symulowania działania obciążenia. Wyznaczono obszary największych naprężeń. Opracowano zalecenia zmiany geometrii młyna.
Year 2010
Badania teoretyczne i doświadczalne rozkładu temperatur w hydrodynamicznym łożysku wzdłużnym
PublicationW referacie zaprezentowano przykładowe wyniki obliczeń uzyskane z wykorzystaniem rozwijanej w Politechnice Gdańskiej nowej metody oceny własności hydrodynamicznych łożysk wzdłużnych. Bazuje ona na wykorzystaniu techniki automatycznej wymiany informacji pomiędzy uwzględnianymi w analizach problemów obliczeń łożyskowych obszarami zadania tj. płynowym i strukturalnym, wykorzystując w tym celu dostępne programy obliczeniowe MES (technika...
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