Bibliometric data for a research study on scientific productivity of Polish technical universities (Opole University of Technology 2016-2020) retrieved by InCites benchmarking tool. - Open Research Data - Bridge of Knowledge


Bibliometric data for a research study on scientific productivity of Polish technical universities (Opole University of Technology 2016-2020) retrieved by InCites benchmarking tool.


This dataset was created for the purpose of research on scientific productivity at Polish technical universities.The raw data was retrieved in July 2021 by the InCites benchmarking tool in xlsx format and will be used to create the research profiles of the universities and underlying data of journals articles. The most common definition of research productivity (interchangeable with academic productivity or scientific productivity)  states as research productivity are the number of publications per researchers. However, a more extended definition of scientific productivity, connecting quantity and quality approach involves producing quality research represented by publishing academic papers in reputable international journals, citing these papers, gaining research funding (e.g. national and international grants), and collaborating in scientific teams.

The dataset prepared for the scientific profile of Opole University of Technology consists records from 2016-2020: Number of Web of Science Documents, Times Cited, % Docs Cited, Rank, Category Normalized Citation Impact, International Collaborations, All Open Access Documents, % International Collaborations, Documents in JIF Journals, Documents in Q1 Journals, Documents in Q2 Journals, Documents in Q3 Journals, Documents in Q4 Journals.

Dataset file

Opole University of Technology.xlsx
23.7 kB, S3 ETag c4f1d821e23aa783948291383f127bb3-1, downloads: 49
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File details

Creative Commons: by 4.0 open in new tab
Raw data:
Data contained in dataset was not processed.


Year of publication:
Verification date:
Creation date:
Dataset language:
Fields of science:
  • management and quality studies (Social studies)
  • social communication and media studies (Social studies)
DOI ID 10.34808/g8e6-2y37 open in new tab
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology


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