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Open Research Data
A simple route of providing a soft interface for PEDOT: PSS film metallic electrodes without loss of their electrical interface parameters
Open Research Data- experimental raw data of electrochemical studies
Results of modelling of modeling of heat transfer coefficient during flow condensation for low and high values of saturation temperature
Open Research DataThis database present results of modelling of modeling of heat transfer coefficient during flow condensation for low and high values of saturation temperature. Databse contain 3 tables and 7 figures.
Results of experimental tensile tests on single lap joints connected with DP125 adhesive
Open Research DataThis dataset contains key results from experimental tensile tests on single lap joints bonded with DP125 adhesive. Selected joint geometries and adhesive layer thicknesses are considered.
Improving the Efficiency of Semitransparent Perovskite Solar Cell Using Down-Conversion Coating [dataset]
Open Research DataThe dataset contains all experimental and simulation results presented in the publication titled "Improving the Efficiency of Semitransparent Perovskite Solar Cell Using Down-Conversion Coating", published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16 (2024) 46, 63528-63539.
Results of experimental tensile tests on single lap joints connected with DP490 adhesive
Open Research DataThis dataset contains key results from experimental tensile tests on single lap joints bonded with DP490 adhesive. Selected joint geometries and adhesive layer thicknesses are considered.
Results of experimental tensile and compressive tests on DP490 adhesive samples
Open Research DataThis dataset contains key results of experimental tensile and compressive tests on DP490 adhesive samples.
Data points condensation heat transfer coefficient of R1233zd(E) in minichannel
Open Research DataThis dataset contain 42 data points regarding condensation heat transfer cefficent of R1233zd(E) refrigeration fluid. Experimental data is presented in Table 1. d is internal tube diameter, Tsat is saturation temperature, G is mass velocity, αexp condensation heat transfer coefficient, q is heat flux and ΔT difference between wall and refrigerant temperature....
FEM model of a single lap joint assembled in ABAQUS (2025) software
Open Research DataThis dataset consists of a FEM model of a single lap joint assembled in ABAQUS (2025) software. Selected joint geometries are considered.
Results of experimental tensile tests on aluminum samples
Open Research DataThis dataset contains key results of experimental tensile tests performed on Al 6060-T6 aluminum samples.
Results of experimental tensile and compressive tests on DP125 adhesive samples
Open Research DataThis dataset contains key results of experimental tensile and compressive tests on DP125 adhesive samples.
Numerical and experimental generated data during project
Open Research DataThe dataset was generated during a project aimed at designing a printed wideband antenna with a planar geometry for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. The proposed design exploits a coplanar-waveguide-fed modified microstrip line monopole for the excitation of circularly polarized waves radiating in the broadside direction. The impedance bandwidth...
Numerical and experimental generated data during project
Open Research DataThe dataset was generated using a procedure that allows for independent control of all center frequencies of multi-band passive microwave circuits. To achieve this goal, an automated decision-making procedure is developed in which a set of orthogonal scaling directions are determined based on their effect on individual circuit bands, and using auxiliary...
Numerical and experimental generated data during project
Open Research DataThe dataset was generated during a project aimed at an extensive examination of antennas rooted in nature and biology, showcasing their remarkable performance across a wide spectrum of frequencies—from microwave to terahertz. The bio-inspired designs offer distinct advantages such as broader bandwidth and reduced sizes, making them highly appealing...
Numerical and experimental generated data during project
Open Research DataThe dataset was generated using a procedure for global optimization of antenna structures. Our methodology involves a simplex-based automated search performed at the level of approximated operating and performance figures of the structure at hand. The approach capitalizes on weakly-nonlinear dependence between the operating figures and antenna geometry...
DSC results of foil from PV modules fragmnets after chemical delamination
Open Research DataPresented results are related with project MINIATURA 7 realization. At the document, the termal properties of the polietylen-poli(vinyl acetate) copolymer are presented as results of DSC (Differential scanning calorimetry) measurement.
Characteristics of modified biochars
Open Research DataBiochar analysis results: specific surface area, pore size, macro- and micro-component content, pyrolysis process parameters.
Challenging the idea that internet voting verification tools create trust: they serve as distrust mitigation tools - METADATA
Open Research DataThe publication “Challenging the idea that internet voting verification tools create trust: they serve as distrust mitigation tools” (available in: resulted from the qualitative analysis of the interviews conducted in New South Wales (Australia) during June-August 2023 (fieldwork funded by...
Properties and structure of catalyst-free biomass-based polyurethane-wood composites (PU-WC)
Open Research DataThis dataset contains research data on the development and characterization of catalyst-free polyurethane-wood composites (PU-WC) with a high share of bio-based polyols (BP). The study addresses the urgent need for sustainable polyurethane materials by investigating the partial or full replacement of petrochemical polyols with BP synthesized via biomass...
Photocatalytic and physocochemical data of Gd-doped TiO2 nanoparticles with exposed {1 0 1} facets
Open Research DataRaw numerical data, obtained from the physicochemical measurements (XRD, DR-UV/Vis, PL, Mott-Schottky) and numerical data on photocatalytic activity (phenol degradation, OH radical generation, H2O2 generation and 4-nitrophenol reduction) extracted from the HPLC-DAD and spectroscopic results, obtained for the TiO2 nanoparticles that expose majority of...
3D FTIR results connected to thermal treatment of the polietylene and poli(vinyl acetate) copolimer samples
Open Research DataPresented results are related with project MINIATURA 7 realization. At the document, the emitions occuring during thermal treatment of the polietylene and poli(vinyl acetate) copolimer samples are presented as analysis of FTIR spectroscopy.