DataSet Investigations into the quality of urban stormwater outflow as an alternative water source: potential for landscape irrigation reuse - Open Research Data - Bridge of Knowledge


DataSet Investigations into the quality of urban stormwater outflow as an alternative water source: potential for landscape irrigation reuse


Investigations into the quality of urban stormwater outflow as an alternative water source: potential for landscape irrigation reuse

The pressure on the world’s water resources is increasing due to population growth and climatic changes. Valorization of stormwater as a water resource for non-potable reuse will reduce high-quality water demands and save it for potable uses. In this context, not only roof runoff but also drained stormwater outflow, representing considerably higher pollution levels, should be considered for reuse. We analysed the quality of stormwater from the municipal separate sewer system in a residential catchment located in a medium-sized town in Poland, in the context of reuse for landscape irrigation. The changes in concentrations of TSS, COD, BOD5, and Escherichia coli with rainfall duration were assessed during 6 torrential rainfalls (intensity over 15 L/s·ha). The concentrations of pollutants in the “first flush” were between: 93 - 1598 mg/L (TSS), 112 - 815 mg O2/L (COD), 7 - 30 mg O2/L (BOD5) and significantly dropped with rainfall duration. The E.coli number fluctuated from 2.5·103 to 5.3·105 MPN/100 mL. Rapid filtration on sand filters was applied in laboratory-scale for raw stormwater, providing treatment efficiencies of 87-88% for COD, 50-90% for TN, and 88-96% for TP. The quality of raw and treated stormwater was discussed with regard to the existing and developing European standards for water reuse. The results from our study show that treated stormwater outflows can be applied for landscape irrigation. Moreover, rapid filtration is appropriate for stormwater treatment and can be applied either with the support of pre-sedimentation or as the only separation process.

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Fields of science:
  • environmental engineering, mining and energy (Engineering and Technology)
DOI ID 10.34808/szcf-4n80 open in new tab
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology


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