Measurement of mass flow of viscous liquid through a Cylindrical Orifice under laminar flow (CylOr) - Open Research Data - Bridge of Knowledge


Measurement of mass flow of viscous liquid through a Cylindrical Orifice under laminar flow (CylOr)


The data was obtained as part of the project "Measurement of mass flow of viscous liquid through a Cylindrical Orifice under laminar flow  (CylOr)", in which flow tests of hydraulic oil through a cylindrical orifice with a thickness of l = 25 mm and a throat  b = 0.5 (diameter pipes D = 50 mm, orifice diameter d = 25 mm) on the test stand at the Department of Mechanics and Machine Design at the Calisia University, in cooperation with PhD. Andrzej Mrowiec.

The aim was to obtain the results of experimental tests of the oil volume flow  (qv), pressure difference at the orifice (p) and temperature (T) allowing to determine the flow characteristics of the tested orifice and the flow coefficient in the range of laminar flows. It should be noted that the density of the oil in the flow system at the temperature of 23°C is 864 kg/m3 and it decreases to the value of 845 kg/m3 at the temperature of 50°C.

The dataset presents 45 files with raw measurements for 5 different values of the kinematic viscosity (ν) of the tested liquid (a detailed description of the files can be found in the file data_descrition.pdf). For each of them, flow measurements were performed for 9 values of the volume flow (qvav) (corresponding to the mass flow in the range up to 30 kg/min), for each value of the volume flow (qv), 30 individual observations (No) were registered. An individual observation is defined as the value of: volume flow (qv), pressure difference at the orifice (p) and temperature (T).

Dataset file
123.8 kB, S3 ETag 9b1465b1c54bf61c1d5dd4fa9b8b3078-1, downloads: 93
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hexmd5(md5(part1)+md5(part2)+...)-{parts_count} where a single part of the file is 512 MB in size.

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File details

Creative Commons: by 4.0 open in new tab
Raw data:
Data contained in dataset was not processed.


Year of publication:
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Fields of science:
  • Automation, electronic and electrical engineering (Engineering and Technology)
  • materials engineering (Engineering and Technology)
DOI ID 10.34808/pa20-nd43 open in new tab
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology



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